Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

No there isn’t. And even if there was (which there isn’t) is a “strong argument” that they are effective in a limited way enough to do away with the measure? Which by the way, almost every developed country now has in place.

Even limited effectiveness is some effectiveness so thanks for adding to that argument.

I don’t agree with your other point - in fact the highly visual nature of them and the need to put them on entering a shop etc actually would serve to remind people of the extra caution required.

No one likes wearing masks but they most likely have an upside and have an extremely limited downside. It screams selfishness whining about them.


I’m wearing a mask everywhere. I follow the rules.

I’m disagreeing with it on an anonymous Internet forum.


Disagreement is a core principle of TFK to be fair

Like a true crank.

Fair enough.

The mask is fine and add a decent baseball cap it can be easier to avoid a lot of cunts

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He doesnt want to know about your evidence, just the evidence that suits him.

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That’s a fairly subtle distinction.

Re: facemasks and why the initial advice was different, the initial concern about facemasks was that there was a massive global shortage of PPE at the beginning of the pandemic. They were worried about people stockpiling them while the government didn’t have enough secured for the hospitals yet. To get around that they told the public not to bother wearing them. That was a fundamentally dishonest piece of advice. If they had told the public not to wear them yet because they hadn’t yet secured the supply for the hospitals then the public would have accepted that and cooperated. Instead we got treated like children.

@Batigol - not to be argumentative on TFK but last night you were loving Michael O’Leary’s interview. His main argument against NPHET was that masks work.


The masks are Going to become a symbol of people’s anger. I’ve no problem wearing a mask if I thought pubs would reopen or decent crowds would be allowed at games but since I started wearing masks we seem to have gone backwards. Cases are up and more restrictions are in place.


At the risk of repeating myself (God forbid) I have no issue with masks in enclosed spaces. Nursing homes, on flights, in factories etc. But mandating them everywhere is OTT and disproportionate to the risk.

Anyway I’ve hammered this drum enough.

I’d never claim to be anything else


Isn’t the advice is that if you are single and insist on having sex then you must wear a facemask and only take her from behind

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I’d definitely consult NPHET for a list of approved positions before I’d commence the sex

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That’s a fair point

I’ve been happily wearing a mask for well over a month. Even if at the back of my mind I might think they achieve sweet FA in real terms they seem to reassure a lot of other people and that’s not nothing. I do think the mask issue has exposed NPhet for the ad hoc re less then stellar scientist body they inherintly cc Stephen Donnelly, appear to be.

I would have an issue were they forced on primary school children, that just doesn’t sit right with me at all

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It is a subtle distinction but that is how these things work in practice. And from the government’s point of view a shift in that practice would be concerning.


Ooft, as they say

Son tested at 12.40pm yesterday. Got a text 30 mins ago to say he is negative. That’s not a bad turnaround.


sounds like just a semantic difference to me