Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

The issue seems to be contact tracing. They were unprepared for numbers to shoot up from an average of 20 to 100 a day and close contacts from 10 or so to 50.


Half sister to swine flu who was an Asian champion.


Bred in Wuhan, a cross between Pangolin and Dinner time

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He died/killed doing what he loved

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What’s the covid equivalent of a flapper?

I can’t understand how they don’t have an elastic system in place by now that can cope with rises and falls in demand. We’ve been hearing about it since March.


Yeah, NPHET kinda went into crisis management mode yesterday and went on PR offensives to try to win back public confidence. You had Dr Philip Nobrain with a long “explainer” podcast with The Journal and Dr Ronan Spin’s 5-minute message shared across Department of Health social media platforms.

Amidst all the self-serving waffle was the tacit admission they shut down sport attendance in the country because the contact tracing regime has failed. A max of 200 folk being socially distant at a match, using sanitizer, leaving contact details etc and they’re unable to manage the prospect of tracing them.

They basically stopped people going to sport because of chit chat online about a lad in Laois with symptoms sharing a car to a match.

You literally could not make it up.


It’s the HSE.

It’s a joke tbh. It’s something that easily could have been prepared for.

So 50 people are allowed to attend indoor gatherings but only 15 can attend outdoor gatherings? A clear flaw in the latest plan.


There was once a music group called The Elastic Band.

Just look at this is terms of process management.

Why do they wait until you have a positive case to detail your close contacts? Why not force people to fill in a form when going for a test.

You are going to have contact tracers calling people and detailing perhaps dozens of names and numbers.

Did you see Cillian De Gas Cunt posted a “captain, my captain” gif on twitter in response to Ronan Spin’s message yesterday? That’s the level of maturity you’re dealing with.

Who’ll be first to say your tweaking their names is really mature, fatty?


Can I suggest DroneOn Spin

Fair play to Jess Brennan. Came out swinging

I was happy to go with @dodgy_keeper ‘s Ronan Spin but DroneOn Spin is fine too. He has all the charisma and electric delivery of his fellow Galway man, TG4 pundit Cathal Moore. Spin reminds me of the Galway hurling team of yore actually. Coming into the role late, like having a bye to the semi-final, and still making an absolute fuck of it and completely embarrassing himself.


Irish constitution is a considerable complication to MM


Did he not think of that before he announced it? Thick cunts

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Its easy to make sweeping statements like we’ll stop house partys, gga is causing coronavirus and whats a Direct Provision. Maybe they felt the public would welcome it, I dunno they live in a bubble far removed from the real world


What if you put a bag over their head.

Asking for a friend.

He had overarching concerns that distracted him

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