Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

where’s McDonkey at these days?

Probably recording an album for release at Christmas. Can you imagine having to listen to these cunts in the depths of winter.

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“The next three weeks are critical in suppressing this virus. We must all play our part.”


@thedancingbaby & his fuckin anthropomorphism

is one of the main reasons we are on a friendship break

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A quick Google of Article 40.5 of the Constitution by a few of us on Tuesday evening and it was obvious that this extra “powers” for the Gardai was a complete crock and never going to happen. This crowd makes the dying days of the Cowen government feel like competent governance.

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Simon Harris with a timely tweet to show how he is down with the people in the trenches with his sleeves rolled up

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in order to win back public confidence they will need data to support their actions
you will see a spike next week or so and then it will maintain a steady state until 13 september
This is all about staying relevant
you see this is where Leo and “simon” were clever , they had lined up the snowflakes with abortion and gay marriage previous years , adopted some waffle about green jersies and were able to get twitter on their side, so they were ok, i know its easy from the cheap seats and in fairness they actually had no clue how to manage this so in the absence of any other meaningful data they did what “tony” advised and people fell in. - there wasnt really any invalidating reasoning at the time so it was easily accepted and at the time i didnt have a problem with it .

now its different - you have 6 months of data behind you, people know its only an issue with nursing homes and right now that is what needs to be tackled and locked down ,
they need deaths up and a PR team that shows people not in nursing homes dying to support this facade now
this carry on of 27 lads asymptomatic is bad bad PR


I can see where this is coming from, it’s being advocated for years. I, for one, shudders at the vision of a country run by him. My over-arching vision is of all of us over 70’s being transported to some “idyllic assisted living Utopia” probably in Roscommon and slowly gassed to death by his regime.
Mick is of course a ruthless bidnessman, those unable to be productive would be shed with ruthless efficiency. I’m thinking Nazi style cleansing. Whatever about the current bunch of incompetent flutes they show a modicum of decency to pensioners.
It’s too early yet though to consider relocation but Mick, no thanks.

No sign of a test result yet, Irish Life have phoned twice to check on us… :wink:


Whatever about bitching about masks whether or not its a civic right issue, this actually is. I just think of extra powers I think of going through airports after 9/11 and the liquid bombing attempts. Fuck that not giving an inch.

Also on masks, I hate it and completely disagree but I wear them in shops without arguing

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The recent uptick in cases in Wexford, in the camogie sector particularly, all stem from a lad in Laois who came down for an 18th birthday party whilst awaiting results on his test. One of his girlfriends friends works in the Kerlogue nursing home, which was the case announced in there. Hopefully it didnt spread to any of the patients.

Twelve years ago we had celebrity economists like constantin. Now we have celebrity science nerds.


And no guarantee the fella even got it in the car

In rap like Teresa Mannion “don’t make unnecessary journeys”

The little prick.

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Private property :joy:.

Someone didn’t read the T&Cs when signing up to Instagram.

I really hope Tom didn’t ask for permission to share it.

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If I read that on Twitter or Facebook I’d presume it was someone taking the piss. Is this actually true?

Good fuck

Jew go ta da gym bro?

Funny that, Moore’s mother is a Wexford woman :joy: Kicky mare, Kicky foal.

mixed responses to this lady