Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

It is simple really . Arrogance matched by stupidity

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Yet you still have lads on this illustrious forum claiming we need to follow the advice of government. The fundamental problem with politics is the people it attracts, it’s the equivalent of HR in the corporate world. Useless cunts basically who couldn’t cut it at anything else.



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This shit is gold. A pity @Thomas_Brady and @Corksfinedtboy couldn’t get the Brighton brigade out of retirement for a comeback tour for this event.

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500 posts. Worth a read back?

Yes absolutely


A quick summary.
The country is fucked

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The rebellion starts on Monday, GPO.


The optics are terrible.

Leo is a cute hoor waiting behind the curtain letting champ and co self destruct in no time. If he even wants to be Taoiseach anymore. The country is fucked and FG know it.

The GUI would want to come out quick smart and distance our noble game from this. The likes of calleary would not be let near a self respecting golf course.

Politicians are a representation of their society. Don’t forget that guys.


They’re not really. In many ways they are the worst of society.

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They are voted in, yes half the electorate is so put off by them they don’t even bother voting but they are a representation (stupid/corrupt/greedy) of how that society conducts itself, it’s moral compass.

There isn’t a ton of gifted statesmen hidden somewhere.

Mandatory voting is worth a look.

How could you enforce mandatory voting ffs, Ireland’s politicians can only mandate piss ups in golf clubs.

As for gifted statesmen, there are, but they are not interested in politics. It’s more to do with how people get into that profession, it’s either inherited, or work your way up from student union rep. Most of those that come from either direction are generally wankers.

How does Australia do it so for federal elections?

Regardless of how they get into it (and family true student politics route are common throughout the world) they are voted in by thousands. The border councillor caught on camera looking for bribes topped the poll after. That says something about society.

Look no further than Trump. Sixty odd million discarded their logic and voted for him. Why they did is the answer, lack of options.

The local priest endorsed him. Huey McEneaney is his name.

Youre probably both a bit right, it obviously attracts the worst sections of society. There are rare historical circumstances where that isnt the case - like during independence struggles or human rights struggles, when the leading politicians expect to suffer or die or be imprisoned, that obviously changes the calibre of person that it attracts. Not every politician is a bad person though.

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I’ll be appointing Michael O’Leary and Dr Jack Lambert as special advisors


I’d be one of the first to fall.

Headline in the Sunday Indo

“Government Minister linked with match fixing allegations on World Tennis stage.”


I’ll be Chief Whip. You should see the things I did to keep the limerick group together over the past two years.

We’ll share them between us.

The Irish economy is in departures.