Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

You’re in my provisional government pal

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Big Phil is now in the cross hairs

It’s the new way now in Fianna Fáil under the Champ. If you’re not above reproach and squeaky clean, you’re a goner. Zero tolerance of any transgressions.

It’s quite the contrast to President McDonald and Deputy First Minister O’Neill and the two fingered approach that IRA/SF adopt to compliance with lockdown regulations.


Good that Calleary fucked off quickly so attention can turn to the huge FG turn out at the event. These lads were surely hoping the controversy would follow Calleary and FF around for days and they’d escape the fall out. Has Simon Harris tweeted yet to express his disgust and to say it was a kick in the gut and a middle finger to Ireland? It’s just he did that after the Berlin Bar event at the weekend.


No democracy in Brussels. Phil’s going nowhere.

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Brilliant news mate. Hope you had a few :tumbler_glass::tumbler_glass: to celebrate.

Good to hear that she who must be obeyed is doing well too

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Bet TSA were still there in full force. Useless cunts

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All the laughing the micks did at Dominic Cummings and just look at the Behaviour of the fools we’ve elected.

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Ireland needs Phil, he’ll get a pass.

Were there any IRA/SF attendees there? I haven’t had the chance to go through the guest list yet.

I’m waiting for pencil necks statement to the nation.

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Do us a favour and spare us this shit for another day.

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Hogan ‘could’ argue that he was confused by the regs and assumed the hotel was acting in line with them… Calleary didn’t have that luxury as a member of cabinet

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I don’t believe so. Sure no SF Oireachtas member would own a pair of fashion shoes to attend such a dinner.


Having the big job in Europe wont save him this time

Pencilneck wants to know whats going on. He’s not happy. I think he feels let down.

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Not sure he could say that about not quarantining on return from brussels