Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Yerra mid August is a long way off. In the worst case let him sleep in the shed.

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Italy are close to herd immunity now.

Mrs Mac showed me some FB group where Breda and Nuala were claiming they left some hotel in Kerry and demanded their money back cos some tour bus of Yanks arrived.

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Neither of those are my quotes mate.

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Bit of karma for the dumb yank.

Heard of a premier league rugby player in the UK who had covid but was generally asymptomatic. Got chest pains a few weeks later, went straight to hospital and they discovered blood clots on his lungs. They reckoned if he’d gone to bed that night he wouldn’t have woke up.

Are you bagitol as well?

After hearing that people genuinely should give up living their lives. The risk is too great.

Disgusting post – rejoicing in his death to try justify your under the bed disposition


I heard a two stories over the weekend from people I’d trust in the medical and scientific field, one who’d had it one who’d seen it, who said that covid can be a very very bad dose that can have life changing effects on young people. Shortness of breath weakness etc even after a full recovery. Obviously don’t have a clue how long lasting. I’d been getting very lax about it tbh but was a small bit of a wake up call. These two lads aren’t fear mongers.

You’re lamenting the death of a stupid fat racist yank? Your demise is worse than first thought.

This stupid fat racist yank did two tours in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan.

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Must have been in the kitchen cos it’s hard to imagine a stupid cunt like him surviving those places.

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You’ve lost it kid. You need to step away from this thread for a few days. I suppose the cop who was attacked in New York over the weekend brought it all on himself too?


What are you on about?

A lot from the states that clotting is one of the major effects from this. Has that been recognised much in Ireland? Terrifying.

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There you go.

People who celebrate the deaths of others from Covid-19 are beyond redemption. Imagine if someone posted on here celebrating the deaths of African Americans, who are dying at 3X the rate of other races.


I repeat, what the fuck are you on about?