Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I rest my case

Ok I’ll spell it out for you. What the the fuck has an assault on a NYPD officer got to to with Covid?

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No surprise you lamenting the death of a racist.

Like I said mike, you’ve lost it. You are absolutely obsessed with the whole covid and racist thing going on. You need to step away from the keyboard for a few days. Remember you’re the one who called him a racist.


You’re exposing yourself as a bit of a weirdo pal. I suggest you take @iron_mike’s advice and fuck off for a few days.


You’re in an awful way… taking delight in another’s death. Bizarre.

Lolz. I haven’t been on the racist thread. Now can you explain what the assault of a NYPD officer has to with Covid please?

He’s had a mental breakdown.


Well what has the death of an ex soldier from covid got to do with being racist? You dub the hole for yourself. You’re the one who called him a fat RACIST yank. Maybe youd like to explain yourself

Yeah I’m unravelling so much I’ll make up a story about my marriage being in trouble to get a few likes on the internet.

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Oxygen deprivation/ under the bed syndrome.

Christ. Did you read the article?

Keep going kid. You’ll be kn the outstanding meltdown thread by 12

As I said, log off, you’re embarrassing whatever shithole you come from.

You didn’t read the article did you? :grimacing:

Nothing to be proud of

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You need to log off for a few days. You are melting down.

When I resort to making up stories about my marriage and personal life to get a few likes on the internet I know where to go for advice.

Studies done so far suggest 10% of Covid patients who are hospitalized have some degree of blood clotting. It seems to be due to the same cytokine storm or overactive immune response that causes other problems.

You’re now getting extremely personal and lying, log off mate.