Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Two different events. Two government parties flouting guidelines when it suits them.
No explanation of the “substantive” difference.

What guidelines were flouted at the Bobby Storey funeral?

Maybe this would have been a better analogy.


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It’s up to you to illustrate why it’s so different. Do your own research.

I’ve done so, four times.

Here’s a fifth, because you’re a simpleton.

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You’ve accounted for them being two different events, you can explain why the should be judged differently whenever you’re ready.

I have, you’re just thick as pig shit and can’t see that.

They should be judged differently as one is a funeral mass where SF leadership attended to pay respects to a key member of their party.

The other was a social event in a hotel where big wigs went to have a piss up .

If you are too much of a dimwit to be able to tell the difference then there is nothing more I can do.

Some of the commentary on this is strange.

Yes, it is funny that so many politicians and judges could be so misguided. The making scapegoats out of others on Twitter over this has really turned on politicians. It makes a fool of Micheal Martin once again etc.

But some of the stuff being said is a bit silly. “Think they’re above us”, “think they can do what they like”. Well in reality, we have seen resignations and apologies en masse, the attendees are being pilloried now. I don’t actually think they think they are above us. This was not some kind of Stonecutters meeting- they did it in public. I imagine most of them did think of the guidelines and did ask the question, but will move on from there, because after all the guidelines are confusing (not great for Martin) & most people don’t want to actually think about it. The reality is that most are just oblivious to optics, which shows why it was mostly a gathering of C ranked political players from past and present. The one surprising one there is actually Hogan as he is usually wise to this stuff.

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And while you’re at it, @Raylan


thasts a very charitable view there tim. and oculd possibly be grounded except for

  1. noone walked away when they saw the number of people
  2. the AG who had a role indrafting the regs was there.

they thought it wouldnt be reported and were either too stupid or too entitled to stop it.


Why are you throwing this red herring in? Still no substantive answer on why they should be judged differently. They are two different events where the party in authority flouted guidelines.

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There isn’t any difference on public health grounds, which is what it comes down to. The reality is that per the statement of Cullinane, Michelle O’Neill should have resigned. Similarly Mary Lou McDonald likely should have went. In addition to the funeral, she brought Michelle O’Neill down to Dublin when that was against the rules for a photo opportunity. A nordie may technically be able to come over the border, but you can likely technically put up a divider between two rooms. The spirit and underlying reason for the public health rules was to limit your movements.

Optically is a different story. You can argue that a bunch of mostly old men wanting to have a piss up is worse than paying tribute to a murderer. Or coming down for a PR photo shoot. That’s up to your own opinion. I think they are equally as bad tbh, none of those 3 things should have happened.


I’m fairness, they probably assumed she’d used up all her holidays and wouldnt be able to make it.


It reeks of an inflated sense of entitlement that is endemic in the body politic and media/justice bubbles


He’s some man to throw a tantrum and start wind milling when pressed.


I’ve given you the answer six times, scroll up and read it, you’re just too thick to see it. I don’t know what sort of treatment you are subjected to in Templemore but it’s no wonder the Gardai are so inept at stopping crime when they can’t deduce the obvious.

I’ve asked you what guidelines SF leadership flouted at the Bobby Storey funeral? You never responded.

You’ve also kept silent on Charlie Flanagan attending the Garda’s funeral.

Yet, you keep requesting an answer you have been given definitively on six different occasions.

Was it only essential travel from Eire to the UK that was permitted back in early July when Mary Lou McDonald and Pearse Doherty travelled to this IRA/SF funeral in Belfast?

You’re really getting very excited and hot and bothered about a political party that you don’t support. What’s the official Aontu position on it all?

I’m not being charitable at all.

They are morons.

I’m talking more about some of the commentary on this. Seriously chaps, if they really wanted to get one over on the little people they’d have done it in some private house. You are delusional to think otherwise.


Am I correct to assume the issues with the meat plants has been resolved and Kildare, Laois & Offaly are no longer in lockdown? If the Minister for Agriculture can go golfing for a couple of days and has time for golf dinners then everything in his department must be under control.