Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

You don’t seem perfectly aware of anything, a person perfectly aware is confident enough to state his case, you’re shitting it. You’ve been given multiple opportunities to say something of value and you lack the intelligence and belief to come back with anything.

You have obfuscated, deflected and thrown tantrums here. That is all.

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There were numerous representatives of IRA/SF part of a public outdoor gathering in excess of the permitted limit of 30.

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@Rocko maybe we need a separate “Golfgate” thread as most of the posts in this Coronavirus thread are now about that?

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That’s a projection.

I’ve answered everything, addressed everything and called you out on the things you are afraid to.

What guidelines did SF breach at the Bobby Storey funeral? No answer - coward.
What have you got to say on Charlie Flanagan attending the Garda’s funeral? No answer - coward.
Why are you focusing on a funeral in a different jurisdiction months ago in the week FFGers get caught breaking their new guidelines at a golf piss up? Because you’re a brainless establishment shill
Why are you equating a golf piss up to a funeral? Because you’re a brainless establishment shill

And the you protest too much and cower - it’s not a good look, it just makes you seem out of your depth.

I’ve no desire to follow you round as you move the goalposts, or indeed enter into a different discussion. You getting upset won’t help.

As there were numerous members of An Garda Siochana and other public representatives at the Garda’s funeral in excess of the permitted limit. What is your response to that?

You have no desire to move the goalposts when you brought up Bobby Storey’s funeral and SF which happened months ago on the week FFG get embroiled in a scandal at a golfing piss up.

That’s the kind of blatant contradictory statement I would expect of an absolute idiot. Well done.

Pretend IRA hardman playing the partition card, when he’s losing an argument and getting an internet mauling.


We’ve established already that I didn’t bring SF into this thread.

I see you can use bold type and CAPS LOCK now, really impressive

Numerous breaches

Michelle O’Neill also broke the spirit of the Covid regulations by travelling to Dublin for the first day of the Dáil. All for a photo opportunity. It’s somewhat ironic that you hide behind partition.

10 breaches. Wow. Maybe @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy can address each of the 10 breaches individually.

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We haven’t, what we did establish is that you focused on Bobby Storey’s funeral and the chap from the Workers Party when this broke, bit odd isn’t it?

You’re citing The Newsletter there mate.

You might get a press release from The Orange Order next.

You can go back and check the post I replied to this morning if it pleases you. You’ve done that much running about like a headless chicken, another bit won’t hurt

I have.

I posted your first two contributions on it.

Bobby Storey’s funeral and the chap from the Workers Party?

Odd isn’t it?

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You said the SF IRA funeral was an outdoor event. It was not. 120 of them were indoors. Admit you lied and move on.

The golf event was wrong. We’ve had resignations. The SF TD himself said people had to obey guidelines or resign.

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I asked you for your source on this.

He liked a few anti SF tweets this morning. :joy:


It’s been widely reported. I’ve seen no denials by SF IRA.