Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I think one person could circle the wagons

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One of the depressing things, certainly from Frank Dunlop’s evidence to the Tribunal, was how cheaply Councillors sold themselves on rezonings.


Yeah. You’d hope for a better class of crook to be representing you.

How many in ICU, 7? That’s nothing ffs.

While we’re still not 100% on immunity once contracting it, surely once ICU and deaths are low it’s not a bad thing that we’re seeing a good bang of cases. Let it go through the country and burn itself out… Obviously there is a fine line to this as more numbers might mean more in ICU but so long as it’s under 50s, which recent number’s seem to be, we should be ok. I guess it’s about having a rough tipping point in mind then pulling the trigger on tougher measures… But if we’re to believe press snippets, nphet wanted a full lock down recently, with little deaths and a handful in ICU. We can’t function as a country with that over zealous thinking…let’s give our political geniuses some kudos for not relenting to them fully this time.


What’s a crouton?
Ask Fred
Fred says its fried bread

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I was talking to a lad yesterday* who’s in the medical game and he says the treatments for the clotting of the lungs has improved significantly since the start of the pandemic. According to him clotting on the lungs was a major cause of death early doors.

He also said that even young people that get a bad dose of this thing will literally be scarred for life and ultimately it will shorten their lives.

Finally he said that the administration of the flu jab is going to be impossible this autumn and he expects very few GPs and pharmacies to do it.

  • happy for this to be quoted as fact off line.
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he hasn’t even the balls to make that decision, spinless gimp

Mick Martin is hiding from the nation.

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Stop wishing death on old people please, you monster

I’ve never voted for FF and I never would either but I’ve some sympathy for Martin. He appears to have obeyed the guidelines by not having his family travel to Dublin to see him sworn in as Taoiseach which can’t have been easy.

And maybe he was right not to make Calleary a minister at the start as he’s obviously a moron.

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It took the country a decade & a half to recover after Jack Lynch and now this lad. No more Cork Taoisigh please.


You need to do better than scan. It talks of multiple payments and specifically mentions the circumstances surrounding a 5 grand cheque from the developer lodged to his wife’s account. Where you got 200quid is bizarre.
It also details how he stone walled the tribunal with a load of I don’t remember even when they showed details of the meeting.
Deny deny deny and only admit if they have absolute proof. Slìbhìn FF playbook page 1


but he fhixed the rhoad!


I mentioned the 200 because it just seemed ridiculous, I saw the other stuff as well,

I thought that contributions towards election expenses were par for the course, it is mostly 500 at election time here and there in that article, you seem to have a serious problem with MM, I don’t really have the facts to debate with you but that article hasn’t swung me over to thinking he’s a prick anyway

I think you’re overstating to large degree and overlooking the times he has shown political courage and that his heart is in the right place. I’m not saying he’s great and I wouldn’t vote for FF, but I think Martin is genuine. I would take him over any member of FG or any other member of FF. That’s not a particularly high bar, granted.

His mate Billy went after getting off the plane from Brussels. No isolation

You seem to be suffering from serious confirmation bias. You like the guy. That’s your choice. But Its 5grand not 500. Im not sure ar what point your sliding scale becomes criminal rather than ‘a shure it’s grand’. There were also other payments. And that’s only the ones they could prove at that time


But he was nice to some auld wans he dealt with.