Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Don’t be trying to tag amateur sports in with pro sports

A rubby squad is what, 45? Then trainers , coaches, medical … Few officials and TV / media and ground staff.

There actually seems to be a bit more flexibility in terms of numbers when it’s “behind closed doors” as opposed to a 200 person limit.

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Oh lord…

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Ok that makes sense at least.
So a five grand ‘donation’ from a builder is fine. Obviously he got more as per the article, but this specific one was 5 grand, which his wife pocketed.
All grand.
I think he just happened to be stupid enough to lodge that one, but felt hed get away with it because it was to his wife’s account. And I think it’s well known, as per the mahon tribunal etc that most of this was done as cash.
How big does a personal donation figure have to be to be inappropriate? Or worse a bribe?


You think a guy who takes bungs from property developers and then has amnesia when questioned on it is genuine? Right.

Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?


The article I posted was by Fintan O Toole. You described it as laughable. While supporting your argument with a Fintan O Toole article… and I’m the fella struggling?

Lodging £5k - probably the equivalent of €20k in today’s money into your wife’s bank account from a property developer is acceptable behaviour from a politician?

It’s inherently corrupt and probably would have been the end of his political career is a civilised country.


Martin had no memory of a meeting with lobbyist Frank Dunlop in November 1991, which was recorded in Dunlop’s diary.

More significantly, he denied point blank ever bringing O’Callaghan to “meet other politicians”.

He said that if he had ever brought O’Callaghan to meet Bertie Ahern he would remember it. Yet when the tribunal showed him Ahern’s ministerial diary for April 13th, 1994, which seemed to record a meeting with O’Callaghan and Martin, he could not recall it.

MM was up to his neck in it and lied to the Mahon Tribunal.


How many lads on here worked the local councillor to get planning permission?


Well in Monaghan they’ll tell you to their face that you’ll get nowhere unless you get them something, usually just a bottle of whiskey or something like that. So it’s not really a fair question when the public are being blackmailed. Luckily I’ve never built in Monaghan.

Is Italy a civilised country?

You see that’s acceptable. Or got called in a favour to get an all Ireland ticket.

Irish people are as bent as a nine Bob note. And hypocrites to boot.

As corrupt as you can get.

Councillors no longer have the decision over planning applications. They used to but it became so corrupt it was changed.

Ah fuckit treaty stones posted the article I was referring to, it was the one you and a BIATS were discussing.


It’s in the FF DNA.

Care to respond @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

I can only guess that Italy is not civilised in your opinion as the bould Silvio is still an elected politician there

In 1991? No I don’t think so.

A FF member engaging in whataboutery rather than addressing the corrupt nature of the leader of his corrupt political party.

It’s a bit like the time you were unaware of a FF gov minister covering up the child abuse of a relative (in a neighbouring county) when you were lambasting a politician from a different party for alleging he did the same.

Why not engage the matter at hand?

If you want my opinion on Italian politics you can ask me on a different thread rather than trying to stonewall the indefensible shit FF do that you don’t want discussed.