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Anti Friction money they call it.

Pay money to make things go smoothly.

Bleak outlook at best

Avg house prices in 1991 in the 26 were under 100k according to this?

We’re probably looking at €300k now at least so I’d say it’s north of €15k in today’s money.

300k would be very expensive outside of the Dublin area and salubrious parts of the other cities,

House prices aren’t always reflective of inflation though, certainly not in Ireland

The electoral act regulating political donations came in in 1997. Art may know, I doubt there was anything in place prior to then. Is a donation of 5k from a developer a clear smoking gun of corruption? I don’t believe so. I’m not saying it’s great for democracy or is a standard that should be followed today, three decades later, but how does anyone think political were funded back then? Big developer that supports FF contributes 5k to a rising star TD who spends it on office expenses of campaigning or printing leaflets or taxis or whatever and doesn’t keep receipts. Does anyone think this is unusual by the standards of the time? It’s not even evidence of corruption. Lodged to wife’s account? Does anyone think this is unusual by the standards of the time either? I honestly don’t. It’s the kind of thing someone would do in 91 because it was a shorter drive to her branch than his, or maybe she ran the office or managed his money. There’s nothing in that for me.

I greatly dislike FF and their history of corruption but lads are losing the run of themselves here.

About 1/3 of the population live in Dublin and probably well over 2/3 of the population in the 26 live in areas where property would be a lot more expensive that the rest of the country.

I would say that €300k being the average price of a home is quite conservative in today’s market.

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You’re right, house.prices have inflated massively and successive FF and FG governments have followed polices that have locked a generation out of access to proper housing.

I’m sure of the relevance to the discussion at hand though.

A heads up, I’m not going around the houses with you on this for another hundred posts.

So you don’t see any issue with a politician lodging a figure which would be north of €15k in today’s money into his wife’s bank account. Said money was unaccounted for.

The money came from a property developer who was caught up in a corruption scandal with the same political party of the politician in question. Said politician is also said to have introduced said property developer to his party leader.

Said politician was then questioned on this in a tribunal surrounding the matter and he developed amnesia and dodged, evaded and cited forgetfulness when he was pressed on the matter.

It seems you are perfectly ok with political corruption if you happen to like the politician guilty of it.

The class of politician who takes bungs from property developers and lodges them in to his wife’s account might have something to do with it…

Huh? I’m not an FF member. Micheal Martin is doing a horrendous job and in general their politicians are awful.

Do you care to answer my question and admit Italy is not a civilised country?

That has nothing to do with Michael Martin’s corrupt past and how a person with that past came to be the leader of the party you support.

Stop trying to stonewall discussion from the corrupt past of the FF leader.

Why won’t you stand over what you said? Italy is clearly not a civilised country in your opinion

It’s €11,045 in today’s money. £5,000 was 6,350.

I’m focusing on FF corruption and you’re trying to divert attention away from the issue we are all engaged in to a matter that has quite frankly nothing to do with Michael Martin and his corrupt past.

The reason you are doing this is you don’t want to sidetrack talk on Michael Martin and his corrupt past as you are a dyed in the wool FF supporter and want to stonewall their murky past. It’s absolutely pathetic but it’s the sort of behaviour I’d expect from a Munster hick.

The SF bot from a party that murdered during armed robberies talking about corruption and lads engaging.


Uh huh

So Italy is a corrupt, uncivilised shithole. Agreed?

Eoghan Harris
“That’s not a lot of money!”

Not unusual by the standards of Charlie Haughey and those other FF thief cunts around him who were robbing the whole country blind you mean. He lodged it into the wife’s account to hide it, you fucking know that. You’re also completely ignoring the 5-figures that the Mahon Tribunal was told that he received and you’re also completely ignoring him lying to the Mahon Tribunal about introducing O’Callaghan and Bertie Ahern.

And you’re doing all of this for no other reason than this particular thieving fucking crook happens to be from Cork.

walter white fuck you


That’s another statement from you trying to disengage on the topic at hand, the corrupt past of Michael Martin taking bungs from property developers.

He’s ok with FF politicans accepting bribes from property developers and personally gaining from it.

We have that uncovered now.

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