Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Some level of what-aboutery from the Carkies, trying to detract from their thief Mee-hole.


Not just Cork, lads from Tipp and Limerick showing their Munsteritis in support of despicable, corrupt politicians.

They’ve fucked us because of a flu.

I agree with you on the topic at hand, I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy

Mick Martin is a useless snide cunt. He’s FF through and through. Fuck him.


If you agree then why are you trying to sidetrack discussion?

I’m highlighting your hypocrisy

What hypocrisy? I’m trying to focus on the topic at hand and you’re trying to railroad it down a different line because you don’t like FF corruption being in the lens.

You said he would have been banished from politics in a civilised country and then refuse to call Italy uncivilized despite much bigger scandals happening there with politicians who continued to get elected

Did you see that slide on the projector when you were putting out chairs for the shinners?


If he wanted to hide it he’d have had it cashed.

I refused to engage in sidetracking a topic away from FF and MM’s corruption which was exactly what you are trying. I told you to start another thread on that if you want to talk about it but right now we are discussing the corrupt past of Michael Martin which is something you are reticent to be allowed explored and talked in greater detail about.

Strange, isn’t it?

This is the Corona virus thread.


Ah here. He tried to hide it in the missuses account. Like Drumm, like Quinn, like Sean Dunne. And then forgot all about it. And everything else about his meetings with the developer. He does remember however that everything from that 5 grand was spent on bona fide election expenses that he unfortunately forgot to keep receipts for. Any receipts at all.

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You’re the one who said Ireland was uncivilised in this thread. That’s why I brought it up. Is Italy uncivilised?

Do you honestly think anyone kept receipts for anything in 1991? You’re being silly.

Do you honestly believe he never did any thing for the thousands of pounds he got for free from developers? Or that his evidence to the tribunal was believable.

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Amazing how all those donations were 900 and under 1000 threshold.

Bottomline is that 75% of politicians who made it up the ladder in political life in the 80’s & 90’s were only there to provide a platform for Big business.
To think otherwise is wildly optimistic or the thinking of someone under the influence of Shrooms.


There’d be nothing ever done if it wasn’t for a few brown envelopes.

I think it’s clear that you’re massively overstating your case.