Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

They should not be encouraged in those aspects. But protesting is everyone’s right. I agreed with these lads regarding masks but didn’t go as I had OTHER BUSINESS today

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When all the political parties cow down to complete irrationalism it leaves a space for the loons to rock in and seem like the only ones talking sense.
I agree that there is an ugly nationalist element rising in this country, it’s a very small minority at the minute, but they shouldn’t have any platform.

Great speech.

There’s no right wing hate there - people would want to listen to that and wake up to fuck.

Its a fucking disgrace what our so called government are doing.


Careful now. You’ll be back abusing Neil Taylor soon enough

It pains me that a normal person like yourself actually believes that.

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I disagree. These lads thrive on being outlawed or “de-platformed”

Give them a platform and let them be found out

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Twelve more with him. Sweet Jesus.

Reports of Gardai entering homes all over Ireland must be rampant.

If it’s on Twitter, it’s rampant

Its an excellent speech. He’s bang on about Govt setting up as many smokescreens as possible to deflect from the Nursing Homes. I note he wasn’t wearing a tracksuit too

Privately Run Nursing Homes…

H’s bang on the money there.

The 900 or so people who died in nursing homes in this country at the height of this pandemic deserve justice.

What happened was a total disgrace, arent we supposed to have being protecting our most vulnerable throughout this?

I’m seething with the whole thing.

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More than half our deaths were in nursing homes. An absolute disgrace



So people dying in Nursing Homes is terrible?

But you want to open it up to fuck and let the virus run rampant without any repercussions if Old people die from infection?

Or is it the lock old people away for the time being while we all party again?

Just a little reminder by the way, a reminder of why any right minded person was shitting themselves in March. Why authorities were probably more than a little worried about Hospitals being ready.

You laid out chairs for a party that is the biggest flag waver in the land ffs sake.image


I’d be interested in seeing our total number of nursing home deaths in 2020 versus the previous 4 years.

Somebody posted here the other day that the average time someone is in a nursing home in Ireland before they die is 5 months.


That’s a fair question.

Where the HSE made a really bad call was moving people from Hospitals into Nursing Homes where infection controls were shall we say, non existent.

TUM has been ahead of the curve throughout this crisis

He called this out months ago


I’d say that statistic is the same all over the western world, with very few exceptions.