Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

In Waterford? Fucks sake @Thomas_Brady

The average age of people who died from Covid in the first few months was higher than the average age of life expectancy for Ireland.


Hindsight is much clearer when you’re gasping for Beer in a Pub.

I want an independent inquiry to take place to ascertain why those 900 people werent given appropriate PPE and care at the height of this,

We’re 2nd worst in the OECD only to Canada in relation to nursing home deaths, which is a national scandal.

In terms of opening things up, I certainly dont see a problem with 500 people out in the open air attending a match, be it, airtricity league, GAA or rugby etc,

Pubs should also be able to open in my view,as whats happening in hotels etc upto now hasnt been the major cause of clusters.

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+1 to that.

Still think they were very much blackguarded though.

Price a weekly rate in an average Nursing Home and take that PPE question with you.

80 people a day die in Ireland. I’d say on an average day a fair few are in nursing homes without Covid.

It was known in January that most of the deaths in China were among the elderly. The biggest failure by far was not focusing the effort on protecting this demographic, especially in care settings. There is simply no excusing it.


What were they saying that was ethno nationalist? Seemed to be primarily water protester type skangers clashing

There should be no price put on life mate.

I’m also still wondering about our death figures since Varadker himself admitted people who weren’t even tested while died at the height of this were named as covid deaths.

Yes, but scale of onslaught caught them all out and let’s say the info from China wasn’t exactly forthcoming until shit had hit the fan in Europe.

We always had 3 weeks on Northern Italy mate…

If that fucking prick Harris could think for himself as Minister for Health at the time (granted he’s more palatable than that Donnelly cunt), we should have done a lot better.

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Quick one for you.

It appears a large cohort believe that getting this as a young or middle aged person means relatively no major impact.

Other reports say it can have lasting damage without showing major issues with the initial infection.

Long story short is nobody knows. So, keeping it as low as possible infection wise would seem a pretty prudent course of action.

Can’t keep the economy shut forever pal.


That was just ideal considering our Health System was top of pops already. :rollseyes:

Enough taxpayers money goes into it - where does the blame lie mate?

How long are FFG in charge of health?

I agree.

I’m lucky to work in a sector that never ceased operations. But, people have got lazy to this pandemic. They have dropped their guard and infection rates everywhere have soared.

By all means open up more of the Economy when it appears people can be trusted to act responsibly. Politicians included.

Organising protests with zero social distancing isn’t the best method anyway.

Politicians can never be trusted pal

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