Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I agree, but the video Lazarus posted is nail on the head stuff.

Your man isnt a right wing nut job,that’s being alluded to in the media, no doubt they’re there in the crowd,but the message shouldn’t be lost. cc @Raylan

That simply isn’t true. China tried to suppress info in January but by the end of the month it was obvious how serious this was. Wuhan a city of 10 million was locked down hard and China’s neighbors had gone into full suppression mode. The first deaths in Europe and the US weren’t until early March there was plenty time to prepare. Western governments collectively dropped the ball and have been trying to save face since.

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We aren’t unique with cases rising. They spiked all over Europe, funnily enough coinciding with the few weeks where everyone travelled around on holidays. No different to when flus and colds are rampant around Christmas time as people move around.

I’d expect things to settle down again pretty quickly.

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They march to the beat of Capitalism.

That’s why their methods will always be seen but never really questioned by those of us with as opposed to those without.

Safe face by screwing their economies?

Do you really think these morons have a grasp of the economic impact? They are making it up as they go along, missing the important things to protect like care homes and meat processing plants, and Imposing restrictions that are unenforceable. They can’t even enforce their restrictions on themselves ffs. We are not in good hands.


I would rather give up some of my life-expectancy than never be able to go to a funeral or a sporting event or a dance again.

This thing is going to go on for years and years, have you not realised that yet? We’ve got to end this bullshit now. Someone has to stand up to it.

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Forgive me for personally being more concerned with the health of an elderly parent, my wife’s health and the education of my kids.

Matches, gigs & how many people come to a funeral fall down my list of priorities.

Was a son in fact and he did, the flute. I straightened him out on the domestic front, told him a thing or two and clarified for him where we stood. His sharper, more ascerbic brothers are collecting him and they’re scooping in the Dundrum area. He’s in for a bit of a trimming really, he’ll be a chastened buck when he gets back to his gaff tomorrow.
I had the dil on the hooter earlier, ochón agus ochón. We had an enlightened conversation where certain shortcomings on both sides were discussed in a pleasant if firm manner.
We concluded with agreement that there are 2/3 sides to most stories but the Boxty’s would all be donning the team jersey.
The yellow vest aberration he’s been having will be in the skip by tomorrow evening and all sides will eventually come to their milk. These things happen, some are allowed accelerate and become massive confrontational issues. Nip that shit early and regroup.



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My hero…

Our national flag isnt rascist mate.

Just because a few apes bring it with them who are ignorant/rascist shouldnt mean its associated with that.

it’s been hijacked by a hate filled mob more recently. Gemma O D and all her crew… disgusting bastards.


30 or 40 apes shouldn’t be able to do that either mate.

I don’t know what’s worse, the stale banter or you believing that SF don’t have a stage crew for these events and instead let some random fella set up shop for them :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

500?!? You’re fucking nuts. At an airtricity league match? Will we be paying the extra 200 to attend or something?




Edit, I’m 20 mins in, this is a must watch guys.

@Thomas_Brady @Batigol @dodgy_keeper @balbec @carryharry @Heyyoubehindthebushes @Lazarus @TheUlteriorMotive @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @Bod95

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