Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Ya they are queuing up for Phil. I’d say he broke at least three lockdown restrictions between county lockdowns, travel from a non green list country and the event itself. I almost admire his brass neck though, and there’s an endless line of idiots to do agriculture, I’m reluctant to give up one of the big jobs in Europe though. Surely an advantage to us to have wan of our own


Can you flesh out the deal that he has got the country mate?

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Did I say he has got a deal?

You need to relax mate


If he doesn’t have a good deal for Irish farmers in his role there ,what use is the ignorant cunt mate?

Admiration of his brass neck is grand for a fella that admits to sleeping on the clock everyday I suppose as you do in jest,

I don’t see any advantage for “us” though to have “wan of our own”.


You would think so wouldn’t you yet even his own want to get rid, makes the mind boggle :man_shrugging:

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I think he’s pretty credible, he has a degree in microbiology, so has more of a science background than your average GP. I largely agree with him, as in effect what is happening now is the younger generations have said fuck the lockdowns, are spreading the virus, and we are moving slowly towards more community immunity.

Big Phil is a political heavyweight, a serious heavy hitter. Probably the most influential on the international stage, Eire has had since Suds. Wonder who the Micks have in mind to replace him if they succeed in hounding him out of office.

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What are your views on masks, mate?

It’s madness. We’re stabbing ourselves in the eye to spite our face.

I’m good thus far. I see a role as Motivational Coach going forward.

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I don’t get the resistance to wearing them in enclosed areas, like shops etc. as that is the most likely place to encounter a high enough concentration of the virus to get infected or infect others. It’s a small price to pay to maybe limit the spread to vulnerable people who may be in the same location. Wearing them outside or asking people to wear them outside is fucking moronic.

From a science standpoint the cloth masks that a lot of people wear are next to useless, a surgical mask if fitted properly is a lot better, and obviously an N95 mask the best. If I were flying for example I would wear an N95 mask.


Honestly when you say he’s a serious heavy hitter, what’s that in relation to mate?

His restaurant tab or his grooming, I’m confused?

I’m still not paying for water even though he’d rather we all were…just curious now.

Agreed. Masks are not the issue, annoying and no doubt pointless as they are. Everyone wears a mask whether they know it or not, espicially people who post on anaoymous forums online. Using them as the smokescreen to deflect from the Nursing Homes is borderline criminal however


If we just stay at home for a month we can beat the virus.
If we just stay at home for another few months we can beat the virus.
If we just stay at home forever we can beat the virus.

I’ve met people out walking that not alone have a mask on but a face visor as well. I mean what the absolute fuck.


President Von Der Loyen appointed Big Phil as Trade Commissioner in 2019, possibly the most important portfolio amongst the 27 member EU Commission. Big Phil was heavily linked with the vacant position as Director General of the World Trade Organisation earlier this year, but ultimately did not run for that position. That’s the heavyweight standing that he has earned and commands on the international stage.

If you’d rather have some anti water charge agitator like Paul Murphy or Richard Boyd Barrett as your EU Commissioner, that’s your prerogative. Don’t be too disappointed though if they end up with one of the dud portfolios and exert little influence.


Davy Fitz summed it up well on the 9 clock news on RTE in fairness to him,

Admitted he had an underlying illness, but at the same time suggested this thing isnt going away and you can’t take away a year from these young inter county hurlers.

Alluded to next year, and the year after etc being the same, with the proper procedures etc, it can be done.

Fairplay to him for calling that out.


That’s all fine, I’m sure his FG central party in Europe helped him get there, excuse my ignorance on this sincerely, but what has he achieved in the role, mate?

I’m just scratching my head at anything he did here in his time as a political entity other than a terrible attempt at an introduction of water charges.

Hotshot that he is even his own party have turned their back, you’d nearly swear they knew more than you do or something

@glasagusban says he’s really good . Like really really good! He may have been reading the wrong article or thinking about the wrong guy though…
And their(FG) European branch decided that you couldn’t save drowning folk in the media too so it’s all kosher.