Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Paddy playing parish pump politics. Big Phil is an international statesman who holds arguably the most heavy hitting role within the EU Commission. Matt Cooper and the twittering classes are screeching for Big Phil’s head so it’s a no brainer populist call for Champ and Dr Leo to jump on that particular bandwagon, even though it’s only President Von Der Loyen who has the power to remove him from the Commission.

President Von Der Loyen has already made a public statement that she has been appraised of the matter, has spoken to Big Phil about it and accepts his explanation that he carried out his due diligence before going to Clifden, that the event was going to be in compliance with public health regulations.

Paddy will still go the populist route though and the campaign to remove Big Phil from office will be unrelenting now over the next few days.


Thing is @ChairmanDan

Big Phil is a Paddy, and the rules are the rules here, myself and yourself have to abide by them,

Is his “heavy hitting” role in Europe above that?

I hate to involve myself in this, but I don’t think any laws were broken. He’s employed by the EU so it’s really up to them whether what he did was unethical and deserves sanction. What it highlights is the utter stupidity of the guidelines, and the fact they are unenforceable.

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I’ve said already it doesn’t matter a bollox mate in the greater scheme of things,

The optics arent great, for me, it just opens up the question as to what this lifetime Irish politician has achieved and is at really.

He has said that he sought clarification from the Hotel Federation that the event was compliant with public health regulations and obtained assurances that it was.

It is most inappropriate for a national government to interfere with the workings of the EU Commission, if indeed what has been reported about such representations is correct.

No different to any other politician, it’s a never ending gravy train. What’s shocking is that people actually think they are credible and should be listened to. This crisis has really exposed them as bluffing clowns, but at the end of the day the joke is on us and sadly on our kids who deserve better.

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You’re 100% right @ChairmanDan it is,

But if you look at it from maybe an old constituent that “Big Phil” had at one time in Kilkenny, that had to bury their father/mother since March with no proper funeral etc, it surely leaves a bad taste,

Is “Big Phil” not aware of this since he went to the EU?

Cop on you Dan,ffs.

People have been ‘staycationing’ all over the country and playing golf since restrictions were initially lifted at the end of June. It’s what happened in the hotel after the golf had ended that is in focus. Big Phil is not an hotelier. He made enquiries beforehand and relied on the expertise of the people in the hotel industry that the event would be compliant with the public health regulations. Don’t see what more he could have done on that front.


In my view, he should have known better, mate.

Surely if he was on a staycation for the last few weeks, he would have caught up on the latest restrictions that came out on Tuesday evening,

I’m being harsh, but, we’re either all adhering to this thing or we’re not at all, mate.

Throwing a hotel under the bus (as he attempted to do) is akin to saying the pub I was in poured drink down my neck, it doesn’t wash,

End of.

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Education aside… Common sense is an ever decreasing skillset in today’s world.


Not a hope. It’s the EU

You still haven’t answered the question.

He sounds a bit dim and naive for a “heavy hitter”.

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Unfortunately this is the truth. He’ll probably end up going anyway but despite all his fuck-acting if/when he goes we lose influence in Europe at a time of Brexit which ultimately only damages ourselves.


Paddy wants change.

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You think Phil Hogan would act in the national interest?

That’s funny.


You just focus on addressing the 10 breaches of public health regulations by Deputy First Minister O’Neill at the IRA/SF funeral. You’ve been hiding on that one since Friday.

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You’re deflecting again. Why don’t you post more waffle on “Big Phil” you tireless bore?

Hogan is toast.

Séamus Woulfe will be next in the firing line.


Apparently that Sunday World front page is very misleading. That golf event was apparently in the middle of July before he came home and quarantined.

I like seeing Hogan get fucked over cause he’s a pig, but at the same time we will be seriously cutting off our noses if we try to force him out of the commission.