Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

If you’re good at your job and you fuck up you apologise sincerely, make special mention of the people who missed out on important occasions due to lockdown and then you move on, lesson learned and a strike against you.

It’s really no wonder we have such shit public representatives, who on their right mind would want to do it?

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Well knock me over with a feather. The Sunday World leading with a sensationalist misleading headline. What next.

Someone who suits the prevailing political expediency of the day .

Wasn’t there once a former FF Minister from Mayo who wasn’t in cabinet and was appointed Commissioner ??

Champ “you should try it “

They could appoint Michael Ring to the Commission


If hogan staying winds people up on here I hope he digs in and stays.


Don’t think I ever said any such thing.

Not short on options

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You did defend Michael Martin taking bungs from dodgy property developers, lodging it into his wife’s bank account, not accounting for its expenditure and developing amnesia surrounding it while questioned on it at a tribunal.

He was talking about Hogan.

He might be getting your stance with Martin confused so.

After all you were out batting for a politician who took bribes from property developers.


Eire Commissioners have rarely got anything other than the waffle, waste of time portfolios. Suds in Competition and Ray MacSharry in Agriculture, the two exceptions to that rule before Big Phil landed back to back two of the biggest portfolios in Agriculture and Trade. God knows what Paddy will end up with once he’s hounded Big Phil out of office.

More waffle about “Big Phil”

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Phil Hogan was lauded as a political guru, the man main pulling all the strings. Then Kenny put him into cabinet and everything he touched turned to shit, mostly through his own pig headed ignorance. I’d say that kind of attitude works alot better in Europe though than it did in Ireland.


Lazy useless cunts, that’s the point here. Keep up.

He’s the eejit that leaked the budget one year and had to resign.


He had to be told to apologise.


Has anyone referred to him as Big Phil yet?

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Leo and Hogan wouldn’t be best pals either; didn’t Hogan have some sort of reputation as being Enda Kenny’s guard dog and representative of the rural Fine Gael faction?

I’m sure Hogan would have made a statement in due time, he was forced to do it immediately to placate the mob (I’m not referring to the liveline cases here, some people are very entitled to be angry), as I said, it’s a shit business (Politics) and it’s getting worse, you reap what you sow, what the fuck will we end up with in the Dail, or Europe or council. Who’d bring it on themselves?