Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Sack Hogan and replace him with Leo. Win win for the irish people. Leo is very statesman and will excel in an unelected role like that.

It’s the same in every country. You get mediocrities in public office and anyone with ability doesn’t bother. Just look at the UK cabinet.

I love the way fellas talk about the likes of big Phil and champ as if they went to school with them or have some sort of insight into what they’re really like outside what they’ve read in the Sunday independent


“Big Phil”, “Big Jim”, all big from having snouts at the trough and eating expensed meals


Leo was the main plotter in the leadership heave against Enda Kenny which Big Phil effectively saw off. Leo was the only plotter who survived in Cabinet. Everyone else was purged.

It is very problematic for Big Phil that both Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister are calling for his head. Somewhat unprecedented really for national governments to be meddling in the affairs of the European institutions.

Makes a change so. Didn’t the EU tell ye to re-run a referendum because they didn’t like the result?

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Let me tell you are couple of three things Arthur . The vast majority of discourse on this site over the years is lads (and lassies) professing expertise in topics of which they have little knowledge .

That’s what makes the place fascinating


I think Shatter was the brains and guile behind saving Enda that time . Big Phil was the bludgeon

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I’m British mate. Are you referring to the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty that the Micks ran a second time?

Fair play to ye for standing up to the EU over Brexit .

Fuck that. Hands off Leo. We need him here to clean up another FF mess and keep SF/IRA at bay.
Leo is not the greatest politician of a generation, he’s the greatest Irish politician of all time.

Sorry for your troubles

Tell us how you really feel? I dont like FG and I absolutely detest Leo. I felt at the time of the leadership battle and still now that Coveney is a better choice, particularly for keeping sf away

More “Big Phil” waffle, have you an actual point to make rather than just posting up a load of idiot talk with a “Big Phil” reference?


Didn’t FG (backed by FF) take on the EU when they wanted a MNC to keep hold of €13bn tax bill they owed, I don’t see how this is unprecedented?

You’d have to admire the ignorance of Big Phil

How are coming along with compiling your response to the 10 breaches of public health regulations by Deputy First Minister O’Neill and her organisation at the IRA/SF funeral that @tallback highlighted? You made a big play on Friday denying that there were any breaches and challenging posters to point out any breaches that occurred. When @tallback posted up a list of 10 breaches, you went into hiding fairly quickly on that one.

Why an Aontu supporter is constantly out batting for IRA/SF is another question.

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I think you need to get your facts straight rather than pedaling a disingenuous agenda.

Deal with each of the 10 breaches that @tallback highlighted and stop dodging the question like a coward.

Unfortuately for you, The Newsletter aren’t even a credible media outlet nevermind an authority of pandemic guidelines. When you’re trying to put a bigot like Sam McBride as an authority then you’re really grasping at straws.