Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Sweep sweep. Deflect deflect. Don’t answer the question.

You’re citing a bigot who is editor for a newpaper with extremely sectarian overtures.

Maybe you should actually post some actual evidence rather the musings of a hate filled rag.

Just deal with each of the 10 points raised in the article please. It’s much more your style though to ignore the issue and indulge in vicious name calling and defamatory comment about the author of an article that exposes your bullshit and deflection.

I think it’s safe to say I now know what happens when a rock meets a hard place


What has he done for Ireland

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I don’t read sectarian rags.

There has been no demonstration from any public body of breaches made at the funeral and yourself and @Tim_Riggins have been forced to lower yourselves to posting the propaganda from a deeply sectarian newspaper to in order to deflect.

The Irish media have kept very quiet on similar controversy at the Garda’s funeral in Mayo however.


Here we are again, all the lads.

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We’re making savage progress here

It’s gas, lads here thinking it would be a great shame that an arrogant, self-serving pig who would never put national interest ahead of himself, might lose his job


It’s fascinating to watch in its own way.

Yes. He would put national interest ahead of himself or what he is meant to do in the role :grinning:

That may be the way in some councils. But I’m aware of a councillor who can still get your planning for you for the princely sum of 4k.

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Would he throw in ditch cutting in that?

There was no controversy surrounding the State funeral of Detective Garda Colm Horkan. It was a very dignified send off for an Officer of the State who lost his life in the line of duty.

The only cranks I’ve heard taking issue with the funeral in Charlestown are Pretend IRA fantasists who don’t recognise the State.


But there were far more apparent Covid breaches in place. The funeral was covered on TV and it was clearly evident that the numbers attending breached the guidelines, there is physical proof there and it wasn’t reported but the Free State media found it much more interesting to focus on a funeral in Belfast.

Not that strange given how the establishment have been shown to be above the law in the past week.

Give us another “Big Phil” reference there, you schlepper.

Few quid on top

he might be an ignorant Bastard but it would be political suicide to get rid of Big Phil now for Ireland, he is viewed as a serious heavyweight on the mainland when it comes to negotiations, with him out of the way the likes of David Davis will walk all over mick in the trade negotiations


The Brits are licking their lips here and can’t believe Mick is self harming once again. Are you sure it was even two hurleys?


Mcdonkey doubling down on zero covid dismissing the yanks and sweden as lunatics and John bull made a politician mess and can’t trust their data. Very subjective his opinions

the Brits are probably pulling Varadkars and Martins strings trying to get Hogan out, its absolutely unbelievable that some gobshites want Hogan out at this crucial juncture in time

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