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does anyone even listen to him in fairness?

What big Phil needs is the pro Brexit press on the mainland to start attacking him . The Micks will suddenly row in behind him

There is a lot of misfortunes in this ckuntry who take rte as gospel


Yes that would present an awful dilemma for Mick. It would be equivalent of the fan kicking in on the laptop

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The hapless Micks are falling for the trap hook, line and sinker. When you have an alliance of Mary Lou, Matt Cooper and the permanently outraged snowflake brigade on Twitter calling for the head of Big Phil, it only makes the task easier.

@Bandage was a supporter of his earlier in the crisis

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I should clarify that he did a 180 on him as is a top poster’s want

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That’s not a problem. I have more of an issue that the Taoiseach and the Tánaiste are calling for his head. The others you mention are meant to rabble rouse and can be ignored.
This is the 2 most important politicians in the state calling for self harm, drink that in for a second and ignore the usual Twitterati and permanently outraged


that little cork bollix matt cooper, he is actually an enemy of the state, is he a British agent?


A little whining cark bollix at that.

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National governments appoint the Commissioner from their own ranks within the Member States initially. Once they are appointed, a Commissioner is a creature of Brussels and the Commission and are not answerable in any way to any national government within the EU.

It’s quite similar in a lot of ways, to the separation of powers doctrine betweeen legislature, executive and judiciary. Judges are appointed by a combination of legislature and executive, but once appointed they cannot in any way interfere or intervene in the workings of the judiciary.

If I was of a cynical disposition, I’d nearly to be thinking there was another agenda for Champ and Dr Leo in these most inappropriate representations to President Von Der Loyen. Champ could do with appeasing the Fianna Fáil grass roots after losing two Agriculture ministers (both from Fianna Fáil royalty) with what would be seen by the tribal grassroots as a big FG scalp. Dr Leo according to quite a few press reports is eyeing up a Commissioner gig in Brussels. I’m sure though, there isn’t any personal interest at okay and it’s just yet another silly mistake from an error prone Fianna Fáil lead government.

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Post reported.

Spamming the board with inane “Big Phil” waffle.

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Have they made representations to Ursula? Putting Leo in there would be as cynical as anything we’ve seen in Irish politics.

You’re not wrong.

Leos image is fairly toxic to the non FG peopel out there. Particularly hes apparent lack of understanding of working class is infuriating. The commission job would be a great move for him, fg and ireland. He gets the big job in Europe, fg can try pull back some floating vote from sf and he would be brilliant for ireland in europe. He is a very good statesman and playing the political game. He won’t cause gaffs like Phil has or be pig ignorant to the fact he makes mistakes. Beong so young is a plus for him to rise up in EU and other international organisations.

Barnier is the negotiator, Hogan is the commissioner.

Big Phil is calling the shots. Barnier only does what he tells him to.


Dumb Phil has issued a full and unreserved apology.

What a rag the Sunday World is.


Up Big Phil.