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his only crime was loyalty to Ireland


I walked out of the Hogan stand last July after the semi final beside big Phil - down from the upper tier on the ramps . He is a huge man in height and stature . I was surprised he was sitting in those seats though.

It appears he easily brazen this one out - unless there is more to come .

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Big by name, by nature, and by standing on the continent. But never lost the common touch.

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he’s a force of nature

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have you anything of substance to say on this?

Calling out brain dead virtue signallers like yourself is important work.

Still putting all your faith in solar panels :laughing:

I think that translates as a no, mate.

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yep, instead of providing evidence he attacked me

Ever since that border fantasist shite himself on getting sent down for 40 years you’ve been very triggered. I’ve no idea why.

Evidence of what?

Dr Leo and Champ you mean? The lads caliing for him to resign

to back up your statements?

what hs he done for Ireland since he got into the role?
what have pevious commisioners done to favour their country as opposed to the EU as a whole?

Yeah it’s shocking that Leo is playing to the social justice warriors gallery. like I said yesterday I’ve no idea why he bothers

Do you think it’s of no benefit at all? You’re an awful godhelpus

all im asking for is some evidence mate

Will the Green Party be looking for the Commissioner role if Big Phil is hounded out of office?

There is also a certain irony here in the Big Phil can now do more to get a United Ireland than anything that SF did for over 40 years or could do in next 10 .

Gas times

The Taoiseach and the tanaiste are calling for him to go. Maybe you wern’t aware of this

Yeah Leo still thinks he has to appease twitter with a bit of grandstanding. No reason to. It’s nothing to do with the Irish government.