Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

no idea

Who’d be in the frame for it in the Green Party?

flesh that out

They are the pemenantly outraged then you are referring to, I assume our Taoiseach and out tanaiste. Leaders of FF and FG

Think it through . I like to encourage my pupils to think , challenge them so to speak .

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Pierre Hurmic

ok guys

i dont want to spend the rest of the day asking for people to put detail behind their posts


No, the permanently outraged are the the Twitter morons. Not sure why the government leaders are pandering to them yet again with a bit of empty rhetoric.

Oh you’re not sure. Waffle away so

You don’t find it inappropriate, a Prime Minister and Deputy Minister interfering in the workings of the European Commission and telling its President how to do the job?

Oh I am sure, it’s optics the most important factor in politics now apparently. I don’t know why they bother. The meaning was fairly clear.

They clearly haven’t, they’ve asked Hogan to consider his position rather than telling Ursula to fire him

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All you will get is spam/waffle with references to “Big Phil” and links to sectarian publications from them.

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I find it inappropriate that our democratically elected heads of state should be second guessed having being forced into this position by a big boned snout trougher hell bent on flouting the rules while the general public are told they cannot even attend grannys funeral

A Commissioner is not answerable to a Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of an EU Member State. It’s as blatant an interference in the workings of the Commission as you could get.

Who is Champ? :thinking:

You are sure and you are not sure. Well then

No it’s not, let’s not make it something that it’s not


This blithering idiot sawing away hard at the Hooch last night. It’s been a while but the idiocy was high.

Varadkar with a car crash interview on Radio 1 there.