Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

He’s 100%.

I find it amusing so many of the lads who are so opposed to the restrictions are now calling for heads on lads who apparently broke them, for a virus they think is a cod

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Fucks sake.

Is that why he said Covid loves to party on RTÉ the same day he went to Clifden?

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Five thousand new cases in France today.

97 deaths this week though

Is it done?

Ah Jaysus it’s because it’s a cod they all need to swing for it. You do get that?
We know it’s a cod, they say it’s not and tell us to act responsibly. These are the ones perpetuating the lie of the cod. They could at least restrict themselves in public to maintain the facade.


Ah stop. You’d people couldn’t be with their loved ones as they died, that had ten to a funeral, businesses being destroyed as we speak, arbitrary rules being imposed that other EU countries see no need to impose, and a supreme court judge and a cabinet minister think they can break any of these rules if they like because they only apply to the little people and not them. And you think an apology should suffice. Don’t think so.


Do as we say not as we do

That’s what people are irked by


Well said @glasagusban


Bang on


What restrictions are here that aren’t in other EU countries?

You’re an imbecile on these matters mate, I’m afraid that’s my last reply to you on it, you ignorant gobshite.


Most EU countries have had free travel between safe destinations for over two months.

The European centre for disease control says cross border travel is not a vector for increasing the incidence of infection.

What have our space cadets decided?

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You can travel to green list countries. And outside of that quarantine for two weeks. Seems reasonable enough. What else?

You’re a signed up member of one of the government parties. Stop sniping against your coalition partners.

Cough, pubs, cough

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Some pubs are open. That one is arbitrary enough alright but I can understand why a little bit, they dont trust people to behave responsibly with a hape of pints. I’d open them but absolutely crucify any pub breaking the restrictions.

What level of restrictions do they have in France do you know? It appears to have wiped out the frail worldwide and we are left still trying to date the dead

And what about EU commissioners breaking them?

Interesting about France

*France has opted to control the spread of the virus rather than attempt to eliminate it completely, and French president Emmanuel Macron has said there is no such thing as a “zero risk” society. *

Some experts, however, are calling for calm, arguing that there is little risk of reaching the mortality peaks of hundreds of deaths per day several European countries experienced in March and April. Martin Blachier, an epidemiologist at Public Health Expertise in Paris, said his consultancy estimated that there were at present about 20,000 new infections a day in France (including the thousands confirmed by testing), compared with 400,000 a day at the height of the pandemic Increased mask-wearing regulations — such as this week’s order from the French government that pupils wear them in classrooms — would help control the spread of infection, he said.

Europe risks another false dawn after coronavirus Olivier Boché, a doctor at the Hôpital Foch west of Paris, said on Friday there had been no Covid-19 patients in intensive care at his hospital recently compared with about 60 at the peak, but said the government was understandably anxious about the public reaction to the increased number of infections. “The government is nervous the virus could return because the management of the crisis at the start was so poor,” he said. “All the measures [now] are very restrictive and everyone wants to protect themselves politically as well as from a health standpoint.”

No it isn’t. They’re maintaining the pretence that foreign travel is the bogeyman and advising against it. It may not be a big deal to you but it has a big impact on lots of people.

Limits on gatherings. Pubs closed. Local lockdowns.

These restrictions are not the norm across Europe. We are an outlier.

Our death rate is not the norm across Europe. People died in horrible circumstances due to our bad management and negligence.

We have not made a good job of this and continue to make a bad job of this.