Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I’d be less harsh on individuals. It’s a hard world to navigate. Sure I’ve crossed the line a few times myself.

My whole life is foreign mate.

So you’d crucify a small pub that breaks them but not an EU commissioner who breaks several rules in one trip? That’s a contradiction in my eyes


That’s a very nasty post. Are you okay? It’s quite amusing watching your outrage at the outrage on here. Don’t take this place so seriously.


Jesus a sensible approach and not a mcdonkey or o Neil in sight.

Our rules are absolute nonsense and the case rate increasing proves that. Stuff that caused no issue (pubs, international travel, outdoor sport) targeted whilst the meat plants and co rumble on



I have French friends. They said people have given up on restrictions as few are dying

Think there was a massive crowd in part de prince tonight

What was the edit?

The pubs could have been opened the same way shops were. Each pub is allowed a certain number of people in depending on pub size, number of tables and facilities etc. They put signs up clearly showing the maximum number of people allowed in. The Gardai are allowed do spot checks and any pub with too many people in it gets shutdown. Simple.


Yep. The emphasis is in the wrong place. That was apparent months ago.

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The guy broke them in an establishment. The responsibility is on the establishment. He was assured they were in compliance.

Look it. Most of the things are guidelines and recommendations. If you put out a guideline showing me how to jump off a bridge and recommended me to do it, I’d take stock and decide if it was safe for myself.

If I feel something is safe, I’ll do it. If not I won’t. I won’t rat anyone out for doing something they want to do.

We’re living in unprecedented times, unfortunately you’ll have to deal with a little bit of shit. That’s just the way it is

A very self aware people, good to read through government bs. Imagine if rte saw that they would be appealed. I reckon 3 weeks after schools open we will be there unless they can ramp up project fear.

It’s deflection. It’s creating a boogeyman. They can blame people who go to a pub for a pint or Spain on their holidays for the hundreds dead in nursing homes


So, just to be clear, small rural pub owner who may break a regulation gets crucified.

EU commissioner with tons of resources, legal advice etc is ok as he’s an individual?


Come off it :rollseyes:

Yea mate, if I was the hypothetical dictator of Ireland.

Same question back to you? If you went to a pub and had pints without food should you lose your job?


That’s been verified by the IHF. They split the room and thought they were in compliance.

That hotel is probably finished too, by the way.

You’d blame the pub in that scenario no?