Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Van Morrison is OIUTF




How was the infection second time around?

Asymptomatic apparently

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No symptoms. able to walk the dog and everything

Got in the car to drive home this evening. RTE Radio One was on as I’d listened to Morning Ireland on the way to work. Mary Wilson had guests on who had recovered from Covid 19 discussing how bad the virus had been and how they were still low on energy etc. #projectfear

No danger they’d give a bit of balance and talk to some of the people who were asymptomatic.

I then switched over to Today FM and Matt Cooper had McConkey on who spoke of zero Covid being a strategy (he did mention other strategies to be fair) and a few other things that annoyed the shite out of me.

It put me in a right bad humour so it did


The longer this second wave goes on (nearly two months in places like France and Spain now), and the longer I can watch the news without seeing videos of the Italian Army shipping bodies out of towns in trucks, the more I feel like I want to get out from under the bed.

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Hope you’re keeping well during the pretend virus.

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The schools going back and the world not imploding will hopefully tempt Nuala, Maura and Breda out from under the bed.

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Should have worn masks


I heard Birds Amusements in Tralee were told to shut down after being open for a few days.

They’d usually be there around this time each year for the Rose of Tralee Festival.

I don’y know how ye listen to Irish radio, its a thundering disgrace. I went for a spin yesterday in the car and there was a constant stream of state sponsored adverts, Do the right thing regarding covid (that probably means rat out you neighbours and friends to the authorities) and another one about sending the child to bed early. They had a father giving out to the daughter that she needed to go to bed. It is like something out of East Germany. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I nearly crashed the car.


There is a stream of these adverts planned…

Theme 1: Little Molly has a track worn between the couch and the fridge and can’t fit into her communion dress.

Theme 2: Little Johnny has his own youtube channel but he’s prediabetic and in his own fucking way at this stage.

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Irish people by their nature are masochists. Love a bit of misery.

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Ive watched rte news or current affairs once or twice since end of march . It’s a game changer. I’d avoid rte radio most of the time and might listen to Ivan Yates in the car… it’s a disgrace what the media are doing.

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There were a couple of mammies from St Pats National School inside in town on the news last night. Now there was an expert on saying that the cases of transmission in schools are typically low but the two mammies were fully signed up members of project fear. I suppose you can call it balance but it felt like the expert was more understated.

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Next project for the celebrity coronavirus media is to lockdown Dublin locally. Gav Reilly, Fergal Bowers and Zara will be on the case drumming up spin.


Won’t make a blind bit of difference. We are all back from our holidays.

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