Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from


carryholohan, mikeholohan, estabholohan and myboyholohan badly caught out

The whole thing was a total cod and a joke, savage damage has be caused


very convenient that Holohan has ran for the hills, this cunt has very serious questions to answer

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Boris is opening the pubs at six in the morning to celebrate, what a day, Independence day


It will be absolute carnage over there tomorrow.

Boozed up Brits at home.

its going to be unreal, a moment of great national happiness, hairdressers opening at 12 tonight

“I survived the great corona cod of 2020” that would look good on a tshirt



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We were just inspecting the pub your honour :pint:

The lockdown has been more successful than first thought. This is indeed great news. Congrats to all involved. Are we in line with Denmark and Norway? If so I shall gladly apologise for my initial cynicism on our potential success. Well done Eire.


I’m not overly bothered with a bit of over cautiousness in the figures, in this case it was better to over report than under report. I’ve had 2 chicken rolls and 3 cappuccinos this week so I’m fully back to normal at this stage. I haven’t washed my hands in a fortnight.


Bring back tony

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They got complacent

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Staycations all around so

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Great stuff. Hopefully it’s extended until the end of Sept.


Ah good. That form is a serious deterrent.

Not really surprising how the government counts the states finances.

“We got it badly wrong, but wrong in the right direction” appears to be the party line.

Bowers has well and truly ran out of ideas