Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

he seems to have given the virus sentient status.

It’s preparing for a second attack? What the fuck?

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I actually had to stop reading it after his (made up) blackbird story

you missed this beauty

It is just an observation but it also stopped raining and the weather was mostly beautiful during the height of the crisis. And now that some kind of normality has returned, with cars, buses and more people about, the clouds and rain have returned. It’s quite odd.

He’s blaming the opening up on the bad weather or vice versa.

I think he definitely learned from mistakes there. He overcommunicated this time. Must have been a lot of sleepless nights knowing the mess he’d made of the cervical check situation. Fair play to him if you ask me


Varadkar and Harris just dumped all responsibility on him. They were happy to put him in front of the truck that was coming while they were quoting lines from movies and rolling up their sleeves on social media


Over communicated maybe — but he over committed to testing with smears and there was a huge backlog and people with positive results were waiting months — that’s exactly what he did with test for corona also, over committed , created a huge back log and unless you were RTE staff you were waiting 3-4 weeks for results.

It wasn’t perfect for sure. But it was a damn sight better than it could have been.

This thing has a long way to run yet across the globe

As I said, he didnt shirk his responsibilities when it would have been more than understandable if he stepped aside.

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I feel dirty I entirely agree with Ewan

I found Tapas De Lola quite disappointing.

Ewan is spiralling. At the same time add tfktwittergate

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A future deleted tweet

Ewan isn’t well at all and it’s a warning as to what can happen when people are locked up for years.

They go full wrong in the head.

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Leo and Simon gone and the thing is gone to shit already

Deary me. Hes not well

Ewan used to be a contrarian. Now he just comes across as unhinged.

Indeed :thinking:


He actually reminds me a lot of John O’Connor’s tweets now.

That’s because you’re definitely in the Top 10 thickest cunts posting on this site also.