Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Why dont you ask him?

Dublin, Cork, Kerry (3), Wicklow, Kildare.

Kerry reinforcing its reputation as the tourist capital of Ireland.

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Would you be really bothered going down there though? Nothings really open in the hotels etc, weather is shite, and its overpriced.

I’ve two weeks in September, hoping for a late burst of good weather - not sure where to go though yet.

Isn’t the problem that everywhere is shite though?

How far from herd are we?

I heard. 20 per cent.

Theres a few under the bed that still need to be rooted out

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Should be priced appropriately though in that sense, likes of Killarney hotel prices are outageous for what you’re getting.

Nothing to write home about, I’ll go elsewhere.

All the people who were most likely to die are dead. Once it swept through the nursing homes unfortunately


But sure, the fact is a lot of those poor souls werent even tested for Covid, but it went down as their cause of death.

That goes over peoples heads who are loving this new normal unfortunately.

Thing is, everything is grand upto now,the weathers been okay, the multinational taxes have covered it some bit, hope I’m wrong here but I see a dark few months ahead economically now as we go into the winter months.

No where near it. Spanish have only 5% antibodies.

We don’t know, but probably closer than we used to think. If everyone were equally likely to get it and the R0 was as high (above 3.0) as was thought, you would need 70%+ to achieve herd immunity. Now we know everyone is not equally likely to get it, so herd immunity could be achieved at around 20%. It dying out in areas that were hardest hit would support the latter conclusion .

The death rate is no greater than a bad flu from what I can see, mate.

I wonder why?

I don’t think you should put yourself under that sort of mental pressure, mate.

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Your right about the testing tbf, it still had a good run on the nursing homes. Anecdotal evidence appears that the virus doesn’t transmit well outdoors. Grand now but winter maybe a problem. I think we are better equipped with the contract tracing app and faster testing turn around, I can’t see a lockdown happening again

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Hopefully not mate, as is though, small businesses are going to be finished, likes of Limerick city which was already badly struggling is thoroughly goosed now.

Its sad to see.

No there wont be another lockdown but depending on how the next few months goes, I can still see large sporting events very much on a knife edge

a lot of places closed, more to come I saw H&M are gone, not in city but in general. Easons in town is gone too. Retail is dying a death