Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

It’ll be a killer to sports coffers all round. Gga will struggle but will recover. Pro rugby is dead, IRFU will keep the provisional teams afloat but teams abroad will fold or go amateur. LOI will end up amateur.

Last time I was in there it was just grim, very little to entice people back in now unfortunately. Hearing its the same in Cork also,

Its being going that way for a long time though to be fair.

Online shopping makes sense, and anything of note like a TV is bought in retail park etc.

It’s much higher than the regular flu for old people and lower for
children. In between those two age groups it varies from no or mild symptoms to a very nasty dose.

Johnny Glynn caught it one night, and within the space of 45 mins he had shat it out of himself and was back in bed asleep. That happened.



Mods, please ban this cunt.

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Sorry kid. Couldn’t resist

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Johnny Glynn is a 27 year old athlete, not many of that profile dying from it. There are exceptions but by and large healthy people in their 20s through 50s are recovering well from it.

He’ll recover from that faster than he’ll recover from Mike Casey


Yerra he has the same number of senior AI medals as Mike Casey, doubt he is too worried.


I think Mike has a club one or two, I’m surprised no one threw that at you yet.

So here I am on a slow Zoom call with an oblique view of the window to help pass the time. I spotted a jogger go past who I recognise as a former work colleague who now lives and works in Texas. I suspect he has now managed to get his family of 4 home to Limerick for the summer.

He was not wearing a mask. I will have to go do some detective work on his date of return and 14day isolation plan


I wonder did he notice the curtain twitch


That’s proper curtain-twitching


Ikea sell curtains now made of fast twitch fibres. You’d have them open and closed before the neighbours know they’ve been rumbled.


They have a mirrored glass style version.
From the outside they look like closed curtains but from inside you can see everything happening outside on the street. It means you can concentrate on getting things into your notebook without flustering with draw strings.

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The trick is to have the curtains open with no lighting and the room door closed. The windows faces north and thus no direct light. Ideal set-up really.


The Valley of the Squinting Windows.