Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Net curtains are a no-no.

Tisnt a new phenomenon

I think athboy falls into the valley of the squinting windows also

Sounds a good read. Would have made a decent film I’d say

Not all heroes wear masks

First two contacts were not aware of his return to the country. Inconclusive so far.


The wearing of face coverings is likely to be made compulsory in shops and other indoor settings, following a meeting of cabinet this evening.

How are they going to enforce it?

Another arbitrary rule. Supermarkets were our only social outlet for months. No masks were worn yet case numbers plummeted.

How will people eat in restaurants with masks on? Oh no actually you don’t need a mask in a restaurant because the virus doesn’t transmit If you spend €9 in a bowl of soup.

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If they open pubs and then say we have to wear face masks in shops the same day I’ll actually lol.
But if that’s the trade off I’m happy to take it.

Are they have a news conference/briefing or whats the story?

I suppose going to the pub is a choice whereas shopping is a necessity. If the relaxing of some regulations leads to a spike in cases then they would need some measures in place to protect people doing their everyday essentials.

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Cabinet meeting at half 5.

Assume they’ll be a few leaks after that anyway.

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Ya look if it makes the lads under the bed happy enough for us to not continue down the path of economic suicide then I can live with it.
Why is it only coming in now though? Why not two weeks ago? Or two months ago?
Some amount of nonsense measures being made up so they can pretend they are doing the right thing


A fucking farce — Numbers fell when we were all in super markets without masks fighting for flour and yeast -

Irrespective of the science of it and the fuck ups to date on masks, if masks make older people feel safer in public transport and shops, then what harm.

Those are two essential places for people to go.


I agree there, if they don’t allow the pubs to open on Monday they should make the ones serving food close again, very unfair and wrong what they are doing.

It’s been said on here before but most policy is reactionary rather than pre-emptive with the government.

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People were locked down though, if you lift restrictions you still have to protect vunerable people going about their everyday business.
They clearly got the face mask thing wrong from the get go meaning that people are now essentially ignoring the advice down to the mixed messages.

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