Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

So basically its 9ish tonight before they make any official announcement. That’s a clue in itself re pubs. New guidelines with just 4 full days to get sorted. I am predicting August 4th now. Still a chance too they could put pubs back altogether until the schools are sorted.

Talk is the wet pubs won’t be allowed reopen next Momday.

I broke that news on Saturday morning

Get out the dryer Laz

Face masks do seem to limit spread. If worn correctly. Most probably don’t do that. However if it causes some reduction then it’s not a huge inconvenience to wear one if it helps open things up.

They told us not to wear them because there were none to be found.

Most customers in shops are wearing them. Most staff are not.

Lads will spill pints all over themselves trying to drink them through their masks. I’m predicting this new rule will be UNENFORCEABLE

I’m absolutely seething. 5,000 were at a match in France last week

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Breda and Mary on Facebook - aided and abetted by RTE - have won out.


Jesus this is disasterous

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That’ll make a fuck of any county starting championship the weekend after next

Presume that means no more club games ?

Martin out

Fuck FF

I’m hereby renouncing my support for Fianna Fail until Champ is fucked out

It only took fucking the GAA and pubs for you to see the light :clap:

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2 dead and 14 cases. Nice and low.

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This is a fucking cod.

We should be giving people stuff to do like go to matches, go to the pub and sit and have a pint.

Instead they are driving people to act the bollox at house parties.

We’re fucked.


There’ll be extreme bitterness in parishes around the country now with who gets tickets for these club games.

The ramifications will be serious.


Why are people mentioning GAA here? Are the club matches not allowed to proceed on July 17th now?:open_mouth: