Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Ye may get back playing lads, easiest way to make sure you don’t miss your clubs games. Or become involved in management as a contrarian selector😅

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A drive around the well heeled Northside of Limerick would convince you otherwise fairly quickly, they’re more popular than Munster rugger over there

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Cork na pairsaigh wouldn’t have much support either. Nemo Rangers would have the smallest support in cork I’d imagine.

Not true anymore, they’ve picked up the numbers big time since they moved to Trabeg, still and all, I used to hate Nemo but they’re the most impressive club I’ve ever seen, ex county players involved all across the board, once you’re in you’re in

Anyone I ever met that was involved with Nemo was fanatical about the club.

Go to one of the senior football games, very poor support.

You’re obsessed with how many people go to games that aren’t you.

By the way what club is that ubercunt sombrero Cyril associated with. I doubt he is at too many club games.


He’s Douglas, think I’ve seen him at the odd club game but not a regular I’d imagine.

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Yeah, Keeps me awake at night.


R number is bollix at low case numbers, like we have seen for last 4 weeks

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Bollox, from when do I have to start wearing a mask going into shops?

From tomorrow I believe

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If you fill the tank with diseal are they going to stop you going in to pay?

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I’m in stores eight hours a day kid

Tough break wearing a mask all day is a pain, I’ve avoided the office for that

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And then I have to get into bed beside the wife for another 6/8 hours. Fuck it. Have you any room under the bed over there?

I’ve been on top of it since March but the spare room bed is nice and high so should wont bang your head. Biggest downside is I’m in cark. Wouldnt put you through it

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They reckon they have ben overestimating it here for ages. It’s a cod

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