Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I believe that most countries realised its a cod and concentrated on ICU numbers. Bad data is bad but continuing to use it is criminal

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a cod I tell you


When everyone is bankrupt and the economy is completely collapsed at least we’ll have beaten this flu

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I don’t know how ye put it up with it, I would go ape, at least they are trying to get the show on the road here, even though there is a lot of job losses already

At least this will put a stop to house parties, Americans coming in and undo everything that happened in nursing homes

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One way to stop house parties would be to shut off licences and stop supermarkets selling booze. With immediate effect. From Friday morning…



Could you imagine … there would be lads here cutting their wrists … then there lads renting vans to drive to the north/UK/France

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I heard it was under serious consideration…it will be announced without any prior warning.

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I hope they bring it in -alcohol is a curse on this country.

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How can they enforce the 10 visitors rule? Gardai can’t enter a home or have they introduced laws around this?

It’s in the “Ah come on” category of wishy washy “laws” that were introduced


It would be some craic.

Neighbours will rat them out in typical Irish fashion.
Excuse me sir, we have reason to believe you have 11 people in there from 5 different families, I’m going to have to ask you to tell one of them to go home.

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So its the same as noise compliance, guards can do fuck all bar ask you politely to turn down music

You wonder why the Brits were here so long

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All roads will lead to @Lazarus’s to pick up a few kegs.

Nice to see Wooly still thinking of us all from his bolthole in Spain.

The club championship and the all Ireland series are pointless without spectators imho.
If it’s safe for man marking, it’s safe to stand on a terrace.

There’ll be no inter county this year flatty