Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

You’d imagine if Leo drives him so demented a simple solution would be to stop following him, the dense self absorbed prick.

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Whats your problem, if you don’t like what I’ve to say discuss the point or ignore it. Replying to posts calling someone a thick cunt is childish


The pianist? In what way?

Stop posting rubbish mate

“In line with this advice, the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection has recently updated the holiday procedures for Jobseekers, Supplementary Welfare Allowance and Pandemic Unemployment Payment schemes. On a temporary basis and as a consequence of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, someone in receipt of one of these payments who travels abroad will not be entitled to a payment for that period and for the 14 day quarantine period on their return.”

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Wow. I cant imagine that’s legal. But sure if it is then fair play. No foreign travel for me so.


The more of our constitutional rights they ignore the louder the people cheer


This is getting very UKIP

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Without getting into a back and forth what right? The right to travel? It’s not in any way infringed and you can still get payments if you go abroad for essential reasons. Other countries including oz/NZ have an outright ban on leaving and entering. Many other countries have strict quarantine enforcement.

They might as well send you a list of what you can and can’t spend your money on.

We have THE FORM

If you are on the dole you can’t go on holidays. A conservatives wet dream

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And what 1/3 of people who filled it were subsequently uncontactable.

Yeah. Sure you can write what you want on it. No one has any way of confirming what you put down.

It’s also manually filled out and then manually entered into a spreadsheet. It’s riddled with errors.

People on the dole cant afford to holiday in Ireland

You can still go on holidays in Ireland or the north and get full payment. You can still go abroad no issue at all but the notion that taxes should fund this is in my opinion ludicrous. What is the purpose of the dole? Is it not to help people keep afloat while they search for work? It was never intended in any country to fund a trip to gran canaria

The cousin has been in 123 fake street the past ten days after landing from new York and no one has made contact

Under normal circumstances, claimants availing of Jobseeker’s Allowance or Jobseeker’s Benefit can go on holiday for a maximum of two weeks and receive the two weeks payment on their return.

What is this about? I had no idea this was an actual thing. A holiday from not working?

We were making calls to “everyone” on days 2 and 10 after they landed. But there was a million ways fellas could be exempt, hundreds of wrong names, numbers, etc.

Now I’m told it’s just a random sample are called. TBH I don’t see much merit in making the calls. It’s incredibly time consuming and if the fella on the other end of the line tells ya to “fuck off” there’s pretty much nothing you can do.

I was gonna say how is it enforceable, so not at all. Not exactly a police state just yet

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