Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I made that gag a month ago. He is a plagarist


I thought not, then I thought there might. Looking unlikely again.
Honestly, this thing is here to stay for the foreseeable future. It will kill people, but fewer than feared. It’s looking unlikely that immunity is permanent. We can go about our lives, or watch civilization, such as it is, collapse. Politicians need to man the fuck up, come out, and explain this to people. Protect yourself as you see fit, everyone else needs to keep the world fed and warm.


He is! He is. You got his number

We may as well ban driving out of a fear of road deaths and injuries. Driving is dangerous but we’ve learned to make it safer and people take personal responsibility under fear of legal sanction/death/injury.

I expect our tests and protocols and treatment for Covid 19 will become more sophisticated over time to allow the risk to be further mitigated but the medically induced economic coma may end up doing a lot more damage. So far we are in a bizarre time economically where printing money is not causing inflation but ultimately you cannot print money without eroding wealth. As an aside I was told by a bloke yesterday the first inflation was in Roman times when they would cut a little
nick of gold off a gold coin.


I was wondering why wooly wasn’t doing he’s podcast.

When I was out in the car there earlier, Luke O’Neill was on Pat Kenny. (I had to switch off Tubbers - he was insufferable).

In summary
Luke would
Go for a spin in a car with four other people in the car all of whom were wearing masks if all the windows in the car were down
Luke wouldn’t
Get on an airplane.

Everybody needs a break,
Climb a mountain or jump in a lake.
Some head off to exotic places,
Others go to the Galway Races.
Mattie goes to the South of France,
Jim to the dogs, Peter to the dance.
A cousin of mine goes potholing,
A cousin of here’s loves Joe Dolan.
Summer comes around each year,
We go there and they come here.

Jesus planes have hepa filters, pollen filters barely work in the car

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There’s always an awful smell of shite if you are near the toilets on a plane.

I’d rather sit next you a smelly jacks on my way for 2 weeks in Spain than driving around town with 4 lads wearing face masks tbf :rofl:. You can’t make up half the stuff these spoofers are making up

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Shit in the airport

He only works 1 day a week.

It may look effortless, but I assure you its not.

Getting diarrhoea on a plane is a fear I have. I’d always carry anti diarrhoea capsules in my hand luggage.

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I go at home. The jacks in the airport tends to be pungent as well

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Increase in proportion of Covid-19 close contacts failing to take up offer of test

The comments section lads is a shit show. The LIDTF crowd on here would even be in trouble with this crowd

Arden accepts it’s impossible to suppress it fully but my God what a trojan effort on her part. A proper country with a proper leader.

Wearing masks here in shops since March . No big deal. Might do some of ye ugly cunts a favour.

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It’s a monstrous imposition