Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Brings more attention to my stunning eyes.

8 euro in limerick. Bit Irish alright.

God I miss the car boot sales

A terrible plague upon the nation truth told.

1 death 21 new cases.

Bring back the 2km limit

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Carlow cunts

It fogs up my glasses

You need to stop your constant whinging & get busy living you tiresome bore.

5 in Dublin 1 in Cavan 1 in Wexford.

@Copper_pipe posted up a game changer on this. Shaving foam. I can’t see a fucking thing now.

Got to love the Irish Times

Coronavirus: Country in position of ‘high uncertainty’, chief medical officer warns

You’re all dooooooomed

10th paragraph

One more person diagnosed with Covid-19 has died in the Republic bringing the total to 1,749 deaths relating to the disease in the State. And 21 more cases have been diagnosed, bringing the total to 25,698.



In a statement issued on Thursday evening, NPHET said six confirmed cases were denotified on Thursday.

Were these in the 32 from the other day? Who knows

As for the 150 cases they think might happen by August 10th…have they asked them what impact that would have on hospitals?



Ban cagers

Had the brother in law and his wife over for dinner tonight. She’s a cardiac nurse in the mater. There are 2 (TWO) Covid patients in there. They have shut down all Covid wards apart from one small one that deals with patients but mostly just Covid queries. Reckons the health service are telling nphet that they need to keep restrictions as they are telling them they’ve no capacity now. She reckons it would be better to get spikes out of the way while they had capacity instead of ramping up wards again in a month after pubs open to deal with any spikes.

The whole thing is a cod. New govt is getting led around by the nose and afraid of their bollox


I’s quite convinced at this point on a level of imbedded immunity in the population. To what degree, is unknown. Just looking at Sweden and parts of the US, it’s obvious. There were no more cunts in Texas celebrating July 4th than you here in the North East. The mask thing is an excuse as part of the political war, the reality is that the north east was riddled months ago and has a level of immunity now that cases are coming through at a controlled level.

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Also, this is why it is critical that journalists start asking questions.

NPHET, what is the impact of 150 cases a day?
Same to the Government.

Are you going for a controlled release to the population or suppression? If there are people in the NPHET with that wish then it should be known. The current situation is limbo. An extra 10 cases a day and the world falls apart. At least with suppression you have the benefits of going back to a normal life, without the travel.


massive raves and protests every weekend all through June and May here in London, no spikes. Either there is a degree of herd immunity or this whole thing is a total cod, the thing was out of control in London around the 12th April, so I reckon way more were infected and were not affected


We were wrong to not let Leo ‘av it til end o season

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But was Leo wrong? That’s the question

Leo had the country purring