Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Yes but ff are already imploding

It was no time to play politics. Leo and Simon were in the groove

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Yeah. I couldn’t disagree with that.

You’re normally not one for the whole knee jerk government haven’t a clue thing in fairness to you and would be from what I’ve seen quite pro establishment in your thinking and will swim against the tide on tfk when you have to. How the fuck are all the top doctors, scientists, politicians and basically the entire establishment getting this so wrong do you think?

I’d say you might have a different opinion if someone you loved died of Covid in a nursing home

Not all of them are getting it wrong.

I posted on the public health officials and virologists. They are score keepers. They will have us under the bed until a vaccine. They couldn’t believe the position they were put in, where they were allowed this experiment with the western population.

Politicians are politicians and and until the financial ramifications are clear, will do fuck all risk wise.

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Do they know something we don’t about the finances? Leo seemed to be suggesting today the 350 would continue beyond October

We are (currently) able to borrow a fuck load through the bond markets at low rates.

Is that likely to keep going in the medium term or what could stop it continuing?

Because you’re a gowl…they played the optics card and brought forward the phases knowing they’d be gone into the sunset… Open your eyes.

It’s a chicken and egg situation. The Brits and the yanks can effectively print money to keep themselves out of trouble. Europe has to compete with the yanks in particular

I’m not in the bond markets so couldn’t tell.

Printing a load more money is a marvelous idea, hard to imagine that nobody ever thought of that before, they should print ten million trillion pounds and laugh at those uppity Arabs and Russians, but back the footie teams and all

Huh? What are you on about? It’s what the brits and the yanks are at to prop up the domestic economies. Nothing to do with international trade. Christ

I lost two loved ones.

Sorry to hear that

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It is what it is.

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But thanks.

That’s your 150th time repeating the same point today.

I’m sorry to hear this mbb