Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Sorry to hear that, pal.


Bad decisions based on bad advice and data have fucked ireland. Anyone who questions this publicly is chastised for not wearong the green Jersey or thinking about the poor nurses (who are fucked over pay wise but got a lovely bula bos). The mask situation is ridiculous at the height of this we were told not to wear them it will make no use. 4 months later they are almost mandatory. Its like using a johnny when the misses is 3 months pregnant


Sorry to hear that. Hope you are ok


We’ve been hovering just below 1750 for about two weeks. No matter how many die we can’t get up to it. Every time we get close it turns out a few people didn’t die at all

Dont forget the 500 have yet to be taken out

This number is going to gradually go up over the next few weeks, if it doesn’t its an awful cod altogether, like a bad auld shquare cod from the chipper in Murroe. The unknown is how much it will jump once we hit late September/October - imo it will spike in winter again, and that’s what could turn a shit year into a shit decade.

@flattythehurdler had a very politically incorrect post there a while back about politicians manning the fuck up that is impossible to ignore. The human story to this is awful, but there is a larger societal question to consider. We live in a world where we could all be obliterated by an asteroid or an agitated sun with little warning.

Without waffling on, I’ve done the maths and Excel is telling me the pubs should open.


Michael Levitt was saying we’d end up with 30,000 cases and 2,400 deaths.

At the rate we’re going, it’ll be about 2022 when we get that far.

And he is one of the crazies apparently…

The HSE would want to do a COUNTIF formula themselves for the deaths.

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Listen, it’s life. One was heartbreaking, but not directly related to Covid but influenced by. The other, if it wasn’t that, it was going to be something else. It’s the inability to give them the send off they deserved that hurt the most but so be it. Plenty have had it worse. Make the most and move on.


I’m sorry to hear that. The funeral situation is awful.


The HSE hasn’t even cleared all the filters on the spreadsheets they are using. Even some auld codger like @Fagan_ODowd who thinks Excel is a cinema has made bits of their numbers on here.

Sorry to hear that chief, look after yourself and the important people.

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From what the evidence so far shows, there’s 2 choices. The first is that we go back to mid March restrictions whereby everything shuts down bar supermarkets but we take the extra measure of closing our borders to everyone and keeping it that way indefinitely until there is a vaccine which has a good chance of never happening. This might or might not result in zero cases in about 6 months with costs to the economy and people’s mental health that doesn’t bare thinking about.

The 2nd choice is to learn how to live with the virus with extra precautions in place and everyone try to get back to something approaching normality. We’ve decided to go with a little bit of option A and a little bit of option B where we half arse open things up, mixed messaging about masks, open some things up but let dangerous bastards like De Gascon make daily broadcasts about how everyone will die and zero cases has to be achieved at all costs have free reign on the media thereby causing huge confusion and fear in a lot of the population.

Bullet points = shit show.


Sorry to hear that. The lack of a proper Irish funeral is very tough on people. It’s a real part of any grieving process.


We HAVE to open. Closing again makes our economy defunct.


The death yesterday was 94 years of age. 94! Close the borders!!!

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Does anyone actually know why colds and flu peaks in the winter months, or would appear to?

People indoor more. Plus, less sunlight.

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Well if the Corona is rampaging through the state’s at the height of summer, winter might be bad.
I just think we, as a species, have to accept that, mitigate as best we can, and move on.