Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from


Our cleaner has informed us she’s going to home to Brazil for 2.5 weeks and will have to self isolate / quarantine for 2 weeks upon her return to Ireland. What about my kitchen tiles in the meantime? Fuck this goddam virus.



Is that lad still shilling away all these months later? :joy:


Not much else you can do from under the bed.

China, 80 new cases? :laughing:

There are some people twittering hard to get a job with the new government or to get their voice heard on RTE. There is a lot of money to be made being a government shill.


Twitter is actually an unreal platform for people to make experts of themselves.

And cunts of themselves.

Actually where are we with journalists and broadcasters leaving positions to take up government advisory roles?

Susan Mitchell of The Sunday Business Post has taken up a role with egghead Donnelly. She was Deputy Editor and largely focused on health, and was holding the government to account on the COVID-19 response. So that’ll be that then.

Fiach Kelly of the Irish Times has decamped to advise Helen McEntee. He was Deputy Political Editor there.

Some lad with an Irish language name from The Cark Examiner is linking up with Roderic O’Gorman, I think.

I’m sure there’s more or will be more. I see the government is planning on giving senior ministers the budget to appoint 4 or 5 advisors each.

I was reading in the Phoenix some time ago that most of the Indo news room has cleared out since Leo became Taoiseach to become advisers for various FG politicians. The Phoenix attributed this to the “Mad-Men-like atmosphere” of the newsroom. I’m not sure if that means that they’re banging a lot of prostitutes of they have secret identities or what.

Those Government or Ministerial advisers have the cushiest gig going.

I’d imagine a newsroom for a daily newspaper would be stressful enough, constant pressure for deadlines etc.

Journalists were headhunted by politicians to do spin going back a while. Nothing new . The thing now is there are more politicial gigs and more journalists . A lot of them end up at PR firms too

Journalism taking a fair hit at the moment with job losses .

What is the pay like in the media game ??

Is Chris O’Donoghue still a staffer for Simon Coveney?

Its hard to keep track. I think Fionnan Sheehan was shafted or overlooked for a special advisor position. I’m not sure if Chris O Donoghue of Newstalk is still with Coveney. There were 7 or 8 hired by FG government. It seems Eamonn Ryan has bucked the trend and gone for a mindfulness and meditation guru. Journalism is dead as a profession in this country anyway and the mass exodus is evidence of that. Plus there is the occupational hazard in that any opinion piece could be your last.

But is that not even more so the case with a job as an advisor to a minister?

Lovely bit of scaremongering here. “Don’t be giving out about the pubs, we might close the whole lot again”


The Medical Junta are running rings around Martin and Donnelly


All the cases seem to be private parties or from travel, but ya, close the gyms :woman_shrugging:t2: