Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

When was this fucker made our overlord?


These NPHET lads are on a serious power trip


Food served all day. Live music every weekend

This is gas. The R number is the nuclear red button and terror threat level of the 2020s.


Drunk with power.

Are the gyms still closed or what? One of my neighbours was an avid gym goer but she’s put on around 3 (three) stone during restrictions.


No some are open. Fylefit were due to open all of their gyms Monday but, as per their email, they were basing that on the indoor limit being upped to 100. I’m not sure if Wednesday’s idiotic statement has put the kibosh on that.

I’ve been frequenting Fyre in Blanchardstown, but I feel I’ll need more neck tattoos to fit in there long term


The amount of weight some people have put on is ridiculous

This is very true

New cases have collapsed in Stockholm in particular (indicating some immunity threshold has been reached)
Hospitalisations have collapsed
Deaths at near zero
The Swedish Central Bank’s latest is that their domestic businesses will fare far better than they have


They need to join an obscure internet forum and get running 5ks and posting their times in order to harvest likes.


I’ve availed of the lockdown to get in more exercise and eat more healthily. This lifestyle change has enabled me to lose a couple of stone. I feel grateful to have had a positive attitude during these difficult times. It could easily have been me who sat on the couch getting fat while posting furiously on the internet about how shit life is and blaming others who are only trying to keep people safe.


that will drive a few lads absolutely demented

Sounds like this situation has actually been really beneficial for you, mike which makes it a bit more understandable why you want it to continue but would you have any sympathy at all at all for those people who are in really bad shape due to this extended lockdown? I’m thinking people who have lost their jobs, their livelihoods, suffering from mental health, separated from their loved ones, etc.


I don’t know about ye but I am dreading the return of the Late Late Show. Only six weeks to go.


I’m eating a lot more shit than at any other stage in my life, I can’t walk past the fridge or the chocolates, if it wasn’t for the exercise I’d have put on a few stone easily

What @mikehunt posted is achievable for anybody @Horsebox, whether you’ve lost your job or not you can get out and exercise or eat well

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First episode will be snippets of tubs’s daily monologue on how scared we should be and to get under the bed

who is this cunt Cillan Gascun, another fucking nerd threatening going back to phase 2 if there is 100 cases, what planet are these lads on? cut his fucking wages down to 20k a year and he won’t be long changing his tune


He played schools cup rugby so he knows what he is talking about.


Sweden’s government deserves huge credit. Took an actual decision rather than hiding behind the advice of health officials. By all of the estimates, especially by Neil Ferguson, Sweden should now be obliterated. Instead, they have fared ok. Worse than some of their neighbours, but better than countries who had lockdowns. Whether they were right or wrong is up for debate, but their leaders lead at a time when others panicked.

Also worth noting that their children stayed in school, their businesses remained open, their society kept moving. That will have huge knock on benefits compared to what other nations have imposed on their citizens


Of course it is but it might be a bit more difficult for the people badly affected by the lockdown to have a positive attitude.