Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

You could justify it if the holiday was in Ireland,the money going back into the economy but I just cannot understand how a foreign holiday can be seen as reasonable. People can go no problem but the state paying for it…

Well it’s a guideline. The only bit that’s enforced is that you need to fill out the form. That’s it.

Ireland has no green list or red list at the moment. Americans and Brazilians are still arriving in reasonable numbers. We have a guideline saying you can’t travel, but still have dozens of flights coming and going every day.

Are Americans not banned from travelling to the EU?

I don’t think it’s right that people go on holidays on he state’s dime. I think the covid payment, and social welfare in general is too high.

But I don’t think the state can dictate to anyone how they spend their money.

No. Only to the schengen.

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The covid should be higher really,the dole is probably too high alright as it’s not a lifestyle choice and was never intended to be. I’m not saying they should restrict travel but they should suspend payment while abroad. For holiday or for moving abroad. Is the intention not that you are looking for work in Ireland while on it? Does the department of social welfare have access to the forms or how will they track it now to dock payment?

They don’t. I keep the forms in my office in a big box.

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The only learning he should’ve taken from that should’ve been how to fall on your sword

How are they gonna know if you were away?

What’s social welfare, 188? I don’t think you’d be saying it is too high if you had to live on it for a few months.


Depends where in the country you are and your rent/mortgage/kids situation

Brazilians?? And the cunts riddled. Back under the bed for me.

It does… But you’ve the lads there writing off everyone that’s unemployed with one brush… unemployed = scum…same old ding dong.


Point out where people equated unemployed with scum

It’s generally implied when people say that social welfare is too high, wouldn’t work to warm themselves, why bother, look at children’s allowance etc

Do lads here never read between the lines any more, always looking for proof


A lot of people get a lot more than 188. And I did live off of it for 6 months during a particularly bad spell in my life.

I’d pay more to people who have lost their jobs and are actively looking for work. Then reduce it over time.


Scum is a far different classification than lazy. If he was claiming people were labelling as that then I’d like to see some proof otherwise it’s sensationalism.

This debate comes down to what you believe the purpose of the dole is, I think it’s a measure to keep people afloat and alive while they look for work even if that’s just part time. Others might believe it’s a payment everyone is permanently entitled to. They would be entrenched in your own political and social beliefs, doubtful any would be changed here too easily but it’d be nice to have a civil discussion without anyone putting words in mouths.

Dr Sam McConkey on Newstalk now

Dr Sam is omnipresent

Any sign of him getting weary of explaining common sense to stupid people?

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Ah come on. Do you think everyone on welfare is sitting on their hope watching Netflix all day or what? Anyway, yes, they’re allowed two weeks abroad a year, so when they don’t sign for two weeks they’re not cut off.

The reason DEASP introducing this restriction is bad and unfair is that it is a restriction over and above what anyone else must suffer. If you’re lucky enough to still have a job, you can choose your own course, if you aren’t we restrict you further. It’s incredibly unfair. Rules and choice are supposed to apply equally.