Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

After the cheers for the healthcare heroes, the green jersey stuff and bunker mentality, all we’re left with is fear with some people.

This is why the Scando countries that I posted about a few months ago who either didn’t lock down or lifted restrictions quickly aren’t having national meltodowns when cases slightly increase.

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Scandinavians don’t tend to be hysterical at best of times.


Are you going to address your alcohol addiction, mate?

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Theres nothing wrong with a good meltdown every now and again. Keeps us in check . It’s the extremeteties that we bring it to can be the issue

They are licking the eyelids off each other here in Ennistymon and I’m OK with that.


They’re riddled back there anyway. Won’t make any difference

Got tested yesterday, result back today


Had you been sick? Or just precautionary test?

Covid or STI?


Thought you holidayed in an upmarket gated community?

The county by county numbers on the Covid Tracker app have reverted to Thursday’s numbers. :man_shrugging:t5::man_shrugging:t5:

Ah that’s just where I go for a break… I holiday elsewhere.

The are some unmerciful gimps in the oirish media . The younger ones constantly tweeting 24/7 and appearing everywhere looking to appear important


Countrywide free testing started 3 odd weeks ago after things eased a bit.
Numbers are on the rise over here , a lot of which is probably down to the free testing.

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Lad who enjoys a pint = alcoholic in your backward eyes I see.


Men-Does anybody know anything about this holiday at home grant or whatever it is,move by the government?
It’s behind a paywall on the indo app and I sure as fuck am not supporting any business that pays that fuckn ginger hobbit,Barry Egan.
Apologies for the crudity.

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Your doing a great service tracking that, wouldnt put it past them to announce high numbers to denotifiy a few days later

Denotification on the way

Now they’ve gone back to Friday’s numbers.

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