Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

The wife is building it for him. He’s barking out the instructions.

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Journalism is dead

There’s fuckall money in it too.

That’s why you see most of those who work in the media game - bar those at a very high level - end up moving towards communications/PR jobs with government agencies, HSE, colleges, etc. Most that I know who were in that game, whether it was radio or print, have pivoted by the time their 40, because they want a job with security and an ok salary.

Was with a friend of mine today who took a HSE communications role earlier this year, after 12+ years in various local radio newsrooms (he was actually about to take a shiftwork factory job because it paid better than radio). Said that despite the pandemic and the huge extra workload that’s come with that that he has never had to work a day in new job where he felt the same pressure of his everyday work in the newsroom

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My gut feeling about Ciara is she’s a gowl. However, she has (inadvertently, I suspect) linked “control” with “fear”.


I vaguely knew her a few years ago. She seemed ok . Was a student in Limerick

Did you buy her a curry chip with all the trimmings?

She wants to shut the country down based on her gut instinct as a journalist for a tabloid. She might have seemed ok a few years back, but she seems like a gowl now.

€350. Handy money

Is she a reporter? Thought she was one of the twitter crew who has made an audience for herself. Didn’t she live in UK?

I don’t agree with her at all mate. I think people change when they join the ‘media’. I’ve seen it first hand.

Theres no journalistic integrity in this country. If there was someone would have challenged the bases for the lockdown, guidelines and data provided by the junta. All they have done is lap it up and feed fear to the public. The whole brushing over Eamon Ryan’s conduct in the dail so far this term is shocking. The man used the N word and fell asleep during a vote on a living wage. If that’s not a kick to any margainly left leaning persons concept of society I don’t know what is


Nah journalist with the Mirror

Just searched her on YouTube as her bio says on the tv, serial pervert John Cuir has got to her

Think you’re mixing up your Ciaras. This lady is a Daily Mirror reporter alright.

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Bust to boom is a good account in fairness


Fantastic tbf all hail Johnny ireland the leader we deserve

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He’s a creepy fucker

you’re not in that 0 51% of the population who tested “positive”

Laois now 25 days without a case. Keep to the motorway ye cunts.

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Why would anyone stop in laois, ever?