Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

If you lived here?

I thought about editing my original post to exclude residents. But I decided I’d let you point it out instead. Little victories.

I’ll take it.

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Don’t know but Sarah has definitely grown on me.

Please God they get rid of Mary Wilson on Drive Time, she’s fucking useless, send her back to the court reporting.

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Too many.

We need to go back to Phase 1 for four weeks.

Close the airports, get a big shop in and hunker down.

We’ll never have these times again. The four week forecast looks good. A little work, BBQs and time with the family.

We can do this.


Were there many recorded cases of supermarket workers contracting Covid at its peak when the shops were crazy? I know it was mentioned here somewhere already

Very very few. We’re talking 4 or 5 in the major retailers

Them lads had no masks on. They must all be dead


Either leave Sarah where she is or demote Wilson.

The thoughts of Claire Byrne every morning is not good.

The shops were crazy for 2 days & people were social distancing in the main.
Why are the COVID is a Cod group still hitching onto that wagon.
Screens at counters & cashless payments etc.

She used to shack up with to y from the soccer department. She has her penance done

Be fine to do the same in a pub so?

You know well what’s going to happen in pubs, your addiction is clouding any rational thought process on the issue.

Infections spiking in Melbourne in spite of a lockdown being in force for 10 days. Looking, to me anyway, more and more like there is an immunity factor at play big time with this virus. Melbourne hardly had any cases initially but now it’s struggling. Same pattern we saw in the US and Europe.

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It’s winter there as well. Better for the virus .

How is immunity kicking in if cases are rising through a Lockdown?

Is it more a case that this is airborne?

It’s rising during a lockdown in places like Melbourne, but falling in places like New York even though they are open

Edit: being airborne could also be a factor

It is not at all that black & white.

New Yorkers are watching what they’re doing, they came through a horrible 1st wave.

The Ozzies the ticks they are were carrying on as per normal.
Look at the rest of America ffs.

Not necessarily. There is no indication that Covid is affected by the seasons.

It has to be a factor. I’ve been to NY and there are plenty clowns there too. It’s also, by far, the most densely populated area in the US.