Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Been to NY through the Covid outbreak?

No mate.


You’ve obviously been to Australia during it, based on your previous comment. How was it?


Brother living there seems to be in the know.


The shops were never crazy in fairness, the queues were crazy but everybody stood well apart, people militantly social distanced back then and the tills in the shops I was in were very carefully managed, the low numbers of people infected in the supermarkets isn’t proof of anything

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It’s proof that taking a lot of precautions and strictly enforcing these all the time works

Pat Kenny gave an interview from under the bed to sindo, this is my favourite extract from it. Cant say I’ve come across this behaviour often before covid let alone afterwards

Kathy in Cuala is the new Breda on Facebook

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Curtain twitching or towel twitching? I think McWilliams christened her type sliotar moms

Luke O’Neill on the radio again.

Luke is a bit all over the place I find.

At the start he played it down saying it seemed to be mainly China based.

Then he kinda went with the flow.

Then he spoke about the positivity in relation to the likelihood of a vaccine.

Now he’s going doom and gloom.

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He should be preparing his online classes for the first trimester. He has too much time on his hands.

Pat is a clueless, self regarding cunt and i didnt think it was possible for me to have any less respect for him. Then on Wednesday he played Paul Harrington doing a cover of Tom Waits Ol 55 and claimed at the end that Harrington’s version was better than the original.


How’re you all getting along not being allowed leave the country?

Grand. Slight set back in that I can’t use my mules to bring my stashed in and out. But @mikehunt has kindly said I could hide them under his bed until this is sortef

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It’s very concerning Mike. They’ve gone stone mad with this virus. The STATE have us all by the bollucks now, we’re completely at their mercy.


Belter :pint:

Why would you stash stuff under Mikes bed when he’s living rent free in your head?