Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Cos he has my head full. Theres no room left

I bought a star wars mask for tomorrow so I did

You can’t travel between States in oz. They have restricted overseas travel

Not really pal. I’m in the region. There are restrictions but it is impossible to stop real travel where you want it.

The behaviour of people here is much the same as the rest of the country- this rednecks not following rules or guidelines is just biases at play. July 4th had kids partying on the beach here just as much.

New York is still getting a good few cases, but it’s controlled. It’s impossible to stop it with the density in certain areas. Get over masks, the big difference is that New York was hit hard a couple of months ago and probably has a degree of immunity.

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NY county had > 5k cases in the last week
NY City had greater than 2K.

Still by car the highest in the U.S

Lombardy must be completely immune at this stage

Do I follow you in saying outside the city has more? Sorry, not sure if that’s a typo.

Donald may look like a genius come November if herd immunity is achived

Italy, Spain, London and New York have it

Swedens new cases have fallen off the cliff

No design from him. He has totally fucked Covid on either angle.

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you only need a 20 per cent infection rate for herd immunity, for the virus to die, London, Italy and Spain open for months and no spikes, we should be stopping those Irish bastards coming into the uk, there is no herd immunity in Ireland only a mickey mouse attempt at suppression that will blow up in their face due to drunken incompetence


Anything to fuck him would be great

Sssshhhhh you can’t say that

I’m not petty but I hope this is true to say I told you so to the bredas. Mrs bushes mother would be delighted if theres a second wave to prove herself right

Imagine England coming out better at the end of this. The seethe would be unbearable in the national pride

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10 new cases, no deaths. No one ever dies of Covid of a Sunday. 12 of the 10 cases in Dublin, 2 in Cork, 1 in Donegal.


Some lads gone into serious broken record mode here


There a broken record of doom and gloom in the media as well.

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