Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

No to masks.
No to apps.


When putting on a mask it isn’t about yourself it’s about the vulnerable you might come in contact with.

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Quiet there like a good chap.

Fuck back under your bed Mary.

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Relax Deirdre, you haven’t made a right step since this thing started, dont change now.

Youd nearly want one before logging on here

The standard - ‘relax’ ‘calm down’ retort :grin:

Go back under your bed you screaming Mary — You’ve made a show of yourself on here for months now. RTE are dictating your life to you.


The standard under the bed reply, with a bit of RTÉ thrown in. Maybe go walk the dog Jacinta. I’m zen.

You are yeah - you’re as Zen as Gemma O’Doherty.

She doesn’t appear very zen. She would appear to be opposite of zen. Perhaps you need to be instructed about zen. Feel free to PM me. I’m here. Reach out. Zen is here.

Quiet, the two of ye. The Cark crew dont like it around here when lads have unprovoked goes at each other

The carkies are fierce touchy.

No zen

Nada bidda bada bing zen.

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If you put on a mask, Holohan has won

There’s no winners here. Only losers.

Apparently there is no one wearing masks in London.

Some lads here still have Phase two mentalities even though we are in phase three

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