Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Heap of unread posts and number of tags from the usual IQ deficient posters so guessing no developments during my staycation break by the sea? Good to see so many masks being worn and shows that the Irish are listening to the experts advice.

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Thinly veiled , I read every single post and i’m seething :laughing:

Are people wearing masks on the beach? Bit bizarre.


Lads on their own driving the car with masks on :sweat_smile:

@mikehunt in swimming in the sea with a polyester mask on

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No developments so?

G’wan, I gave that a like and all

Drove past shopping centre there. Solid increase in citizens taking on board the new guidelines in relation to wearing face masks/coverings.

You’d still have lads giving about having to wear them for 20 minutes - ‘oh, it’s too hot, they’re not very comfortable, I’m claustrophobic, I’m a big fanny’ etc. What about the poor fuckers who have to wear them at work for 8-9 hours? Cover up the fuck


Neither are the mentality to have. We need to look out for each other and move on with it now.

Is it mandatory to wear one in a supermarket now?

Some fellas just arent team players.


Yes, I believe it is

When the chips are down, there are plenty of fellas who just don’t have the balls to put on the green jersey

It will be mandatory, regulations have to be drafted and signed. Until it is signed off Stores cannot refuse to let in customers not complying

You’ll have that. The sort of lads who you’d be as well off shooting as soon as a war would break out, because they’d be more likely to kill themselves, or worse, you.

So people are being coerced to wear them rather than freely making the move … got ya.

You couldn’t go into battle with them. A liability.

Its not their fault, some men you just cant reach.

This outbreak is showing people’s true colours. They’re happy for thousands of old people to die as long as the value of their shares are not impacted. They’ll usually throw Sweden in as definitive proof of their stance. Trump like levels of delusion.

That’s the long & the short of it.

You’ve lads then worried about Pubs & flights to foreign countries to ahem, go drinking some more.

He has you driven demented :smile: